TARGET - Integrated Electronic Transactions

CAUCUS in The Natural State
April 1994

W. David Wimberly
Computing Services
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville


The University of Arkansas is in the process of redeveloping its financial and human resource systems. A primary goal for the new systems is to eliminate paper forms by capturing data as close as possible to its source and routing these electronic transactions to the appropriate personnel for approval. The use of a front-end forms processor was not acceptable since it would require developing and maintaining programs to present, capture and edit transaction information twice: once in the transaction processor and again in the application. Instead, a transaction processing facility that is integrated into the application was desired. Or, from the opposite perspective, we wanted applications that encompassed electronic transaction processing.

The University's solution is TARGET (Transaction Approval and Review Gateway via Electronic Transmission), a suite of standards and support facilities used in the development of applications. Features of TARGET which we feel are somewhat unique include:

This paper will present these and other TARGET features via a TARGET-enabled application.

Presentation Background

The sample application referenced in this paper is a demonstration system that operates on the Software AG EMPLOYEES file. It is built using the University's standard inhouse architecture known as NSM (Natural Secured Menus). Application security is provided by NSM and is based upon a desk entity. Desks are created by departments to represent jobs performed within the department. The department is then free to associate their desks with their employees (users). The routing of TARGET transactions for approval is also based upon the desk entity, as will be seen in the demonstration.

Traditional Maintenance

Prior to TARGET, applications were developed in a traditional manner using online maintenance functions: existing data was presented, the operator typed over fields he desired to change, the program edited the data, and if everything was valid the data base was updated in real time. In some situations, this access was restricted to appropriate subsets of data using "value" based security. However, many transactions require numerous approvals that cannot be obtained with this typical program model. The traditional method for effecting these transactions was to provide a central data entry operator with a form which has been appropriately authorized via the proper signatures. The form must be initiated, traverse the campus receiving the proper signatures, and end up in the central office responsible for the application so that the data can be entered and the update effected.

An example of a traditional UAF maintenance screen appears in Figure 1.

Figure 1. A traditional maintenance screen

All entries are valid, press PF10 to Save
 NDOBIO  1              Employee biographical data - BIO         04/08/94 20:59
 Command:      Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: W.                   David                Wimberly
 Street: 1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Fayetteville           State: AR   Zip: 72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 501/575-6465
Birth Date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: SPA
Department: COMP01   Title: Associate Director
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

TARGET Maintenance

With a TARGET application, a transaction is initiated in the same manner as a traditional maintenance function -- even when there are separate approvals required before the transaction can be effected. The screen used to enter the TARGET transaction is part of the application and appears the same as the traditional maintenance screen. Even the data validations are coded and operate the same as in the traditional model. An example of a TARGET update screen appears in Figure 2.

Figure 2. A TARGET maintenance screen

Make changes and press ENTER to validate
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:03
 Command:      Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: W.                   David                Wimberly
 Street: 1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Fayetteville           State: AR   Zip: 72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 501/575-6465
Birth date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: SPA
Department: COMP01   Title: Associate Director
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

There are significant differences however. For example, on TARGET screens there are before and after images for each modifiable field. The before image is non-display until a change has been made. Once the user changes a modifiable field, the attribute of the corresponding before image is updated to a user configureable setting (the color as well reverse video or underline settings may be chosen). Although not critical to the initiator of the transaction, this characteristic is also applied to the display of the transaction during the review process. This makes it very easy to see what is being changed. See Figure 3 for an example of the before and after values of a TARGET update.

Figure 3. A TARGET maintenance screen with changes entered

All entries are valid, press PF10 to save transaction
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:07
 Command:      Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
Action: U Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
 Street: 3906 Coleridge
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Houston                State: TX   Zip: 77006
         Fayetteville                  AR        72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 713/666-9123
Birth date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: SPA
Department: COMP01   Title: Development Manager
                            Associate Director
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             NextR       Save

Once the initiator commits the transaction, the system confirms the creation of the TARGET transaction via the message line: "Txn created for 10000001". Behind the scenes, the appropriate reviewers for the transaction, based upon the contents of the data being operated on, have been established and the transaction has been placed in a pending state. (The review desks for various criteria for TARGET transactions are defined and maintained within the TARGET Administration system, a separate application.)

Data Base Inquiry

Since knowledge of pending transactions could be beneficial to anyone inquiring into the data base, TARGET automatically presents information on pending transactions whenever the entity affected by the transaction is viewed. In addition to the before and after images of the modified fields, a transaction status line is displayed identifying the requestor of the transaction, the date it was requested, the existence of transaction comments, and the transaction status (P in this case). This transaction status line overlays a portion of the delimiter line used to separate the command area of an NSM screen from the body of the screen. Figure 4 shows how the screen appears when viewing an entity with a pending transaction.

Figure 4. Viewing an entity with a pending TARGET transaction

 10000001 displayed with the indicated transaction
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:09
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: P: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
 Street: 3906 Coleridge
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Houston                State: TX   Zip: 77006
         Fayetteville                  AR        72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 713/666-9123
Birth date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: SPA
Department: COMP01   Title: Development Manager
                            Associate Director
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR             Optns

When viewing a TARGET transaction, PF11 (Optns) becomes available. Via this key the operator may view the transaction reviewers' activity, view existing comments, or create a transaction comment. Figure 5 shows the pop-up menu which provides these choices.

Figure 5. Transaction options via PF11

 10000001 displayed with the indicated transaction
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:09
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: P
Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
 Street: 3906 Coleridge
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Houston                State: TX   Zip: 77006
         Fayetteville                  AR        72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 713/666-9123
                                         +------------ABIO options------------+
Birth date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital St | Select desired option              |
                                         | x View txn reviewers' activity     |
                                         |   View transaction comments        |
Department: COMP01   Title: Development  | _ Create a transaction comment     |
                            Associate Di |                                    |
                                         |                                    |
Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6- |   PF3=Quit                         |
      Help  Suspd Quit                   +------------------------------------+

Selecting the option to "View txn reviewers' activity" results in another pop-up window being displayed. It identifies the desks that are required to review the transaction and any review activity performed by each desk: date and time of the review, resulting status of the review, user that performed the review, indicator for reviews performed via proxy authority, and name of the reviewer (a person assigned to the desk if still pending or the person that actually performed the review). The desks at which the transaction is currently pending are also identified. (A transaction may be routed to multiple desks at the same time or may be routed to desks in a hierarchical fashion based upon the routing definitions maintained within the TARGET Administration system.) See Figure 6 for an example of the transaction review activity window.

Figure 6. Transaction review activity

 10000001 displayed with the indicated transaction
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:09
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: P
Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
         W.    +-----------------Transaction Review Activity------------------+
 Street: 3906  | Txn is pending review; Press ENTER to continue               |
         1025  | * Desk ID Stat  Date   Time  # User ID          Name         |
   City: Houst | - -------- -- -------- ----- - -------- -------------------- |
         Fayet | * ARACHNE                      desk of  Ava Findahl          |
Country: USA   |   ARGUS                        desk of  Katrina Bromley      |
               |                                                              |
               |                                                              |
Birth date: 05 |                                                              |
               |                                                              |
               |                                                              |
Department: CO |                                                              |
               |                                                              |
               |                                                              |
Enter-PF1---PF | * Review by desk is pending  # Review was performed by proxy |
      Help  Su +--------------------------------------------------------------+

Transaction comments may also be created or viewed via the PF11 (Optns) key. When the "Create a comment" option is selected a window is opened where a three line comment may be entered. Figure 7 depicts this process. When the "View txn comment" option is selected a scrollable window is displayed where three comments are identifyed by the the date and time they were created, the user who created them, and a short portion of the comments. One of these may then be selected so that the entire comment may be viewed. See Figure 8 for an example of this process.

Note: The existence of a comment for a transaction is indicated on the main screen by the presence of a 'C' within the transaction status line just prior to the 'Status:' value (see Figure 8).

Figure 7. Entering a transaction comment

Please enter new key fields
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:21
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: P
Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
 Street: 3906 Coleridge
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Houston                State: TX   Zip: 77006
         Fayetteville                  AR        72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 713/666-9123
                                         +------------ABIO options------------+
 +-------------------------TARGET Transaction Comment-------------------------+
 | Press PF10 to save comment or PF3 to quit                                  |
 | Comment: 1  entered: 04/08/94 21:22 by: WDW      W. David Wimberly         |
 |  A sample comment for a TARGET transaction to be included in my            |
 |  CAUCUS paper.                                                             |
 |                                                                            |
 |          PF3=Quit           PF6=Insert/Split/Join     PF10=Save/Quit       |

Figure 8. Viewing transaction comments

Please enter new key fields
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 21:25
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW      C Status: P
Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: William              David                Wimberly
 Street: 3906 Coleridge
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Houston                State: TX   Zip: 77006
         Fayetteville                  AR        72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 713/666-9123
                                         +------------ABIO options------------+
 +------------------------List of Transaction Comments------------------------+
 | Select the desired comment to view or press PF3 to quit                    |
 |       --Date-- Time  --User-- ------------ Portion of comment ------------ |
 |  _  1 04/08/94 21:22 WDW      A sample comment for a TARGET transaction to |
 |  _  2 04/08/94 21:23 WDW      We can have multiple comments about each tra |
 |  _  3 04/08/94 21:24 WDW      These comments are not a very effective way  |
 |          PF3=Quit                                                          |

Transaction Inquiry

Pending transactions are automatically displayed when viewing data base information. This is convenient when viewing a specific entity, but it does not provide a means for accessing historical transactions or of listing all transactions in a given status. These functions are provided by special programs that list transactions and allow for the selection of transactions to view in detail.

The List Transactions by Requestor, Status and date (LTRS) command allows a convenient means of locating transactions based upon the person (user ID) who requested, or originated, the transaction and the status of the transaction. The transaction status may be either Pending, Effected, Rejected, or Withdrawn. In addition to the requestor and status, the transaction list can be further restricted based upon the date of the request. See Figure 9 for an example of the LTRS screen. One or more of the transactions listed can be marked for selection and the appropriate transaction processing function will be accessed with information for the selected transaction displayed. See Figure 10 for the ABIO command displaying the selected transaction.

Figure 9. List Transactions for a Requestor, Status and date

Select an entry or enter new keys
 NDOLTRS 1        List Txns for Requestor, Status & cmd - LTRS   04/08/94 21:32
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 Requestor: WDW      Status: P Txn Cmd: ABIO Req'd: 03/09/1994 Thru: 04/08/1994
 List of transactions requested by: WDW
in status: P (Pending)   for cmd: ABIO requested from: 03/09/94 thru: 04/08/94
                                      Action                             Num
   Cmd  --Requested--- --Status Set-- - --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
 _ ABIO 04/03/94 22:41 04/03/94 22:41 A 10000000
 _ ABIO 04/03/94 22:46 04/03/94 22:46 D 11000000
 _ ABIO 04/05/94 23:10 04/05/94 23:10 U 10000002
 _ ABIO 04/08/94 21:08 04/08/94 21:08 U 10000001                           3
 _ ABIO 04/08/94 21:29 04/08/94 21:29 D 30000001
 x ABIO 04/08/94 21:32 04/08/94 21:32 U 30000107
          Transactions     1 thru     6 of     6 are displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

Figure 10. Viewing a selected transaction

 30000107 displayed with the indicated transaction
  Banner key set with first selected entry                  ABIO 04/08/94 21:34
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 30000107 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: P
Action: V Personnel ID: 30000107
   Name: John                 Edward               O'Brien
         JOHN                 EDWARD               O'BRIEN
 Street: 25 Main Street
         25 MAIN STREET
   City: Nottingham             State: F    Zip: NG2301UH
         NOTTINGHAM                    RA
Country: UK                     Phone: 875643
Birth date: 032439   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: ENG
Department: FINA24   Title: Video Display Repairman
            COMP12          V D U OPERATOR
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR             Optns

Transactions may also be listed based upon the data base entity acted on. This provides a convenient means of reviewing the historical changes that have affected an entity. The List Transactions for Command, ID and status (LTCI) shown in Figure 11 is an example of viewing effected ABIO transactions processed for a given employee within a date range. One or more of these transactions can be selected and viewed as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 11. List Transactions for a Command and personnel ID

Select an entry or enter new keys
 NDOLTCI 1            List Txns for Cmd, ID & status - LTCI      04/08/94 21:46
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 Status: E Txn Cmd: ABIO Requested: 03/09/1994 Thru: 04/08/1994
 List of transactions requested for cmd: ABIO and Personnel ID: 10000001
in status: E (Effected)  requested from: 03/09/94 thru: 04/08/94
                                                         Rejection  Number
   Cmd   --Requested---  ---By--- Action  --Status Set--   Code     Comments
 x ABIO  04/03/94 22:43  WDW        U     04/03/94 23:00               1
 x ABIO  04/03/94 23:01  WDW        U     04/03/94 23:02
          Transactions     1 thru     2 of     2 are displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

Figure 12. Viewing an historical transaction

 10000001 displayed with the indicated transaction
  Suspended from LTCI                                       ABIO 04/08/94 21:49
 Command:      Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/03/94 by: WDW      C Status: E
Action: V Personnel ID: 10000001
   Name: W.                   David                Wimberly
 Street: 1025 Sunset Dr.
         1025 Sunset Drive
   City: Fayetteville           State: AR   Zip: 72701-1731
Country: USA                    Phone: 501/575-6465
Birth date: 050151   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages:
Department: COMP01   Title: BASIS King
                            Associate Director
      Help  Suspd Quit                          Q/Nxt             Optns

Transaction Review

TARGET makes it extremely easy to review pending transactions. A signon screen is presented to all users when they access the University's Natural environment. If there are transactions pending review by the desk assigned to the user, this signon screen includes a special message indicating the number of transactions pending and permits the user to select an option to see the applications within which these transactions exist. Figure 13 shows this signon screen with this conditional message displayed.

Figure 13. Signon screen with pending transactions indicated

 UAMLOG             University of Arkansas, Fayetteville         04/08/94 22:12
         ========              N A T U R A L   T E S T   S Y S T E M
       ===\====/===           Welcome W. David Wimberly
       ===------===           You are working desk CHAOS    for
     ================         COMPUTING SERVICES.
       ____________           Enter an application ID: ________
       === 1871 ===         x List applications with pending transactions,
                              3 transactions are pending review by CHAOS.
  User assistance is available at 575-2905 weekdays from 8:00 to 5:00.
      Help        Fin               Prof                          Color Mono

Selecting the option to see the applications with pending transactions results in the display of the LATP window (List Applications with Transactions Pending) as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. List Applications with Transactions Pending

 UAMLOG             University of Arkansas, Fayetteville         04/08/94 22:12
         ========              N A T U R A L   T E S T   S Y S T E M
+--List Applications w/Txns Pending - LATP---+
| Select one application to logon            | Wimberly
| Reviewer Desk: CHAOS                       | esk CHAOS    for
| ------------------------------------------ | S.
| Pending transactions for Desk: CHAOS       |
|                                            | ion ID: ________
|                     Number  Earliest Txn   |
|    Application Cmd  of Txns Pending Since  |
|  _  LEAVE      OTA       1  01/20/94 14:38 |
|  x  NSM-DEMO   ABIO      2  04/08/94 22:02 |
|                                            |  with pending transactions,
|                                            | e pending review by CHAOS.
|                                            |
|                                            |
| Application/Cmds   1 thru   2 displayed    | days from 8:00 to 5:00.
|                                            |
| PF1=Help PF3=Quit                          | -PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12---
+--------------------------------------------+                    Color Mono

This window actually lists the application and the command used to process the electronic transactions. For each, it shows the date and time of the oldest transaction that is pending approval and how many transactions exist. An application and command can be selected from this list and the "reviewer" is automatically signed onto that application executing the appropriate transaction processing command with action code 'R' (used to review pending transactions). The system then presents the oldest transaction which is pending review by the user's desk. Figure 15 shows the next screen that would be displayed in this scenario.

Figure 15. Reviewing pending transactions

Review displayed transaction for approval or rejection
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/08/94 22:16
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 90000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: A entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status: a
Action: R Personnel ID: 90000001
   Name: Donald                                    Duck
 Street: Main Street USA
   City: Orlando                State: FL   Zip: 08341
Country: USA                    Phone:
Birth date: 010120   Sex: M   Marital Status: S   Languages: DUK
Department: ARTS10   Title: Comedian
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextT       Save  Optns

At this point the cursor has been placed in the review status field where the user can enter 'A' to approve the transaction or 'D' to disapprove the transaction and press PF10 to save this activity. A confirmation message will then be displayed and the next oldest pending transaction is automatically retrieved and displayed for review as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Confirmation of review and retrieval of the next transaction

Review displayed transaction for approval or rejection
  Txn review status updated for 90000001                    ABIO 04/08/94 22:18
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 40000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status:
Action: R Personnel ID: 40000001
   Name: Hans                 Franco               Adams
 Street: 63 Muir Route
         1025 SUNSET DR.
   City: Sult Lake              State: F    Zip: 90091
                                       FA        90091
Country: HOL                    Phone: 215161
Birth date: 123069   Sex: M   Marital Status: S   Languages: GER SPA
            691230        F                   M
Department: BAND01   Title: Composer
            COMP01          DP INTERPRETER
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextT       Save  Optns

If the operator does not want to take action on the transaction at this time, he may press PF8 which merely skips forward to the next transaction. Another option is to explicitly place the transaction on 'hold', in which case a comment is required.

In addition to the automatic presentation of transactions from oldest to the most recent, there are two other ways that specific transactions can be accessed and reviewed -- thus giving them priority consideration. First, the entity acted on by the transaction can be viewed using the transaction processing command. Since there is a pending transaction, the transaction information will also be displayed. The user may then alter the action being performed to 'R' and the review of that specific transaction is permitted. The second method is to select the desired transaction from a list. The LTRS or LTCI could be used for this purpose; however, there is also a special list that only presents transactions that are pending review by a given desk (the user's desk by default). The reviewer can select any transaction pending review by his desk, access the transaction processing command, and then review that specific transaction. Use of this technique is exhibited in Figure 17 and Figure 18.

Figure 17. List Transactions Pending Review by a desk

Select an entry or enter new keys
 NDOLTPR 1           List Transactions Pending Review - LTPR     04/08/94 22:35
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 40000001 Vehicle Reg No:
 Reviewer Desk: CHAOS
List of pending transactions for Desk: CHAOS    in Application: NSM-DEMO
                                    Action                              Num
    Cmd   --Requested---  Requestor -  --------- ID of Entity --------- Comm
 _  ABIO  04/08/94 22:10  WDW       U  40000001
 _  ABIO  04/08/94 22:31  WDW       A  90000002
 x  ABIO  04/08/94 22:33  WDW       U  60000014
             Transactions     1 thru     3 displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt

Figure 18. Reviewing a transaction selected from a list

Review displayed transaction for approval or rejection
  Banner key set with first selected entry                  ABIO 04/08/94 22:38
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 60000014 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/08/94 by: WDW        Status:
Action: R Personnel ID: 60000014
   Name: Ricardo                                   Perez
         RICARDO                                   PEREZ
 Street: AV.Del Rio #15
         AV.DEL RIO #15
   City: Bilboa                 State: F    Zip: 48711
Country: SPA                    Phone: 554327
Birth date: 042160   Sex: M   Marital Status: M   Languages: SPA ENG
Department: ZAOG33   Title: Chef
            PROD03          MAQUINISTA
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextT       Save  Optns

Whenever a transaction is rejected by a reviewer, the system requires the reviewer to enter a comment to document the reason for his action and communicate this reason to the requestor who initiated the transaction. Figure 19 shows the entry of a required comment due to the rejection (disapproval) of a transaction. In addition, the system automatically generates a notice for the requestor of the transaction identifying the specific transaction that was rejected, when it was rejected, and by whom. Existence of this notice is displayed and the option to view the notice permitted from our Natural signon screen the next time the requestor signs into Natural. (It may also be displayed on request using the Display User Notice, DUN, command.) Figure 20 and Figure 21 show the signon message and the system generated notice.

Figure 19. Required comment due to transaction disapproval

WARNING: You will be required to enter a comment for this review status
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/09/94 08:22
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 10000002 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/05/94 by: WDW        Status: D
Action: R Personnel ID: 10000002
   Name: Jack                                      Johanson
         JACK                                      JOHN
 Street: Mozart Strasse 32
   City: Eschborn               State:      Zip: 62360
Country: D                      Phone:
 +-------------------------TARGET Transaction Comment-------------------------+
 | A transaction comment is required to complete your action                  |
 | Comment: 1  entered: 04/09/94 08:23 by: WDW      W. David Wimberly         |
 |  Sample required comment for rejecting (disapproving) a transaction.       |
 |  Include some explanation for the rejection and suggest what change        |
 |  could be made that would allow it to go through next time.                |
 |                             PF6=Insert/Split/Join     PF10=Save/Quit       |

Figure 20. Notification at signon of a user notice

Please enter the application ID you wish to access
 UAMLOG             University of Arkansas, Fayetteville         04/09/94 08:26
         ========              N A T U R A L   T E S T   S Y S T E M
       ===\====/===           Welcome W. David Wimberly
       ===------===           You are working desk CHAOS    for
     ================         COMPUTING SERVICES.
       ____________           Enter an application ID: ________
  ----------------------    x Display user notices, 1 notices exist for
  UNIVERSITY of ARKANSAS      your user ID, WDW.
       === 1871 ===         _ List applications with pending transactions,
                              4 transactions are pending review by CHAOS.
  User assistance is available at 575-2905 weekdays from 8:00 to 5:00.
      Help        Fin               Prof                          Color Mono

Figure 21. System generated notice of a rejected transaction

Please enter the application ID you wish to access
 UAMLOG             University of Arkansas, Fayetteville         04/09/94 08:26
         ========              N A T U R A L   T E S T   S Y S T E M
 +--------------------------------User Notice--------------------------------+
 | Press PF10 to purge this notice                                           |
 | Notice for: WDW      W. David Wimberly                                    |
 | Posted 04/09/94 08:23 on behalf of W. David Wimberly (WDW)                |
 |                                                                           |
 |  Your transaction in application NSM-DEMO command ABIO requested 04/05/94 |
 |  for 10000002 was rejected (code D) on                                    |
 |  04/09/94 08:23 by W. David Wimberly working desk CEPHALUS.               |
 |                                                                           |
 |          PF3=Quit                                              PF10=Purge |
                              4 transactions are pending review by CHAOS.
  User assistance is available at 575-2905 weekdays from 8:00 to 5:00.
      Help        Fin               Prof                          Color Mono

During the review of a transaction, the same processing rules and system edits that were performed on the transaction when it was originally entered are re-executed. There is no system development overhead or extra work required to accomplish this since the exact same program is being used for both purposes. At each review point the transaction is revalidated and cannot be approved unless it is valid. If an error is encountered, the appropriate error message is first displayed. Then the only action permitted by the reviewer is to reject the transaction using a special rejection code which is only permitted for invalid transactions. Figure 22 shows an invalid transaction (the transaction is attempting to add a record already created by some other process) encountered during the review process and the message displayed for this situation.

Note: A transaction that is valid when originated may become invalid at a later time due to other changes that have occurred within the information system. The availability of funds for a purchase or the timing of an adjustment to an accounting period are possible examples.

Figure 22. Attempt to review a now invalid transaction

Due to transaction validation error, review status must be H or I
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/09/94 08:34
 Command:      Action: R Personnel ID: 10000000 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: A entered: 04/03/94 by: WDW        Status: A
Action: R Personnel ID: 10000000
   Name: John                 J.                   Doe
         Johnathan            James                Jones
 Street: 1001 Park St.
         101 Park St.
   City: Anytown                State: AR   Zip: 77010
Country: USA                    Phone: 501/543-2100
         USA                           501/543-2100
Birth date: 103141   Sex: M   Marital Status: S   Languages: FRE
Department: COMP02   Title: Testing Specialist
            COMP01          Architect
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextT       Save  Optns


In order to provide a means for work to continue when a reviewer is absent, a special facility is available to allow a reviewer to grant authority for another user to act on his behalf in reviewing transactions. This authority must be defined for specific applications and may be established for a limited period of time. See Figure 23 for the window used by a reviewer to define a proxy. In addition to a reviewer defining his own proxy, this same capability is provided to a TARGET administrator via the TARGET administration application. In this manner, a proxy can be established for a reviewer when the reviewer's absence from work was not anticipated.

Figure 23. PROX command window used to define proxies

Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
 NDOMENU 1          NSM Demonstration System main menu - MENU    04/09/94 08:49
 Command: prox Action: V Personnel ID: 90000001 Vehicle Reg No:
+----------------------Proxy Authorization - PROX----------------------+ ------
| All entries are valid; press PF10 to save                            |
|                                                                      | ------
|   Rev Desk: CHAOS     Appl: NSM-DEMO  Effective: 04/09/1994          |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | n
|   Rev Desk: CHAOS     Converted for W. David Wimberly       BU: COMP |
|       Appl: NSM-DEMO  Effective: 04/09/1994 thru  04/23/1994         | ,Date
|                                                                      | ate
|           Proxy                                                      |
|          User ID      User Name                            BU        |
|          KATHRYN      Cantrell, Kathryn                    COMP      |
|          STWIGGS      Twiggs, Sandra                       COMP      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|  Entered:                Updated:                                    |
|                               By:                                    |
|  PF1=Help  PF3=Quit              PF5=RStrt   PF8=NextR  PF10=Save    | F12---

When a user specifies that he wishes to review pending transactions by entering action 'R', the system automatically presents only transactions that are pending review by the desk assigned to that user. In order to act as someone's proxy, the user must indicate to the system that he wishes to act as a proxy for a given desk. Once that assignment is completed, only transactions pending review by that proxied desk are presented. Figure 24 shows the window used to 'Assume Review Responsibility via Proxy' (ARRP).

Figure 24. ARRP command window used to invoke proxy authority

Enter, mark or position cursor to desired command
 NDOMENU 1          NSM Demonstration System main menu - MENU    04/09/94 09:02
 Command: arrp Action: V Personnel ID: 90000001 Vehicle Reg No:
   CMD  Command description                      Required key fields
   - +-----------Assume Review Responsibility via Proxy - ARRP-----------+ ----
 _ B | Press PF10 to perform reviews for ARGUS                           |
 _ A |                                                                   |
 _ L | Perform TARGET transaction reviews for desk: ARGUS                |
 _ L |                                                                   | ate
 _ L | Proxy authority must have been granted for Application: NSM-DEMO  | e
 _ L | User: WDW      W. David Wimberly                Date: 04/09/94    |
 _ D |                                                                   |
 _ P | PF1=Help  PF3=Quit                     PF10=Act as proxy          |
 _ A +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
 _ CDCD Change desk/Display Current Desk info
 _ LOG  LOGon to another Natural application
 _ FIN  FINish your Natural session, sign off
      Help        Quit

Transaction Withdrawal

A TARGET transaction may be withdrawn by the originator of the transaction as long as it is still pending. The action code of 'W' is used to withdraw a transaction. Withdrawn transactions remain on the system complete with any review activity performed prior to the withdrawal and any comments that had been entered. Transactions in this withdrawn status may be accessed, selected, and viewed at a later time. Figure 25 depicts the withdrawal action.

Figure 25. Withdrawal of a pending transaction

Press PF10 to withdraw the displayed transaction
 NDOABIO 1        Authorization BIOgraphical maintenance - ABIO  04/09/94 09:10
 Command:      Action: W Personnel ID: 82828282 Vehicle Reg No:
 ----------------------Txn action: U entered: 04/09/94 by: WDW        Status: P
Action: W Personnel ID: 82828282
   Name: Tweety                                    Bird
 Street: 389 S. CANARY AVENUE
         389 S. CANARY AVENUE
   City: San Swamps             State: CA   Zip: 90101
Country:                        Phone:
Birth date: 012050   Sex: M   Marital Status: S   Languages:
Department: SONG22   Title: Tease
      Help  Suspd Quit                          NextR       Save  Optns

TARGET Administration

There is a special application developed to maintain the necessary data components used to support TARGET processing. Use of this application is restricted to the TARGET Administrator. One function previously mentioned is the ability to establish proxies for individuals in their absence. Another, and the most critical, is the maintenance of the tables used to determine the review desks for a transaction. This is accomplished by allowing sets of review desks to be defined and then associating a set with a specific 'review criterion'. The review criterion may be almost anything but is normally a data item taken directly from the transaction. However, it may also be an abstract definition derived from the data and/or based upon the activity being performed. Since the review criteria for various transactions may take different forms, special routines must be developed in order to present them in the proper format for maintenance within the TARGET Administration system.

Other facilities of this administration system provide documentation for TARGET transactions and management support of those transactions. One program allows listing transactions which have been pending longer than a prescribed normal number of days for that type transaction. Future development will include programs to provide archival, print, and purge functions for TARGET transactions.


We feel that TARGET is probably unique in its approach to addressing electronic transaction processing due to its total integration within the base application. We also feel that it is an efficient solution, both from the perspective of application development and of system operation. In development it allows us to provide transaction presentation, editing, and processing via one program; these functions only have to be coded once. In operation it has been designed to be efficient. Only two data base calls are required to establish the review desks for normal transactions and all transaction accesses are via special superdescriptors that provide direct access to the appropriate data.