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University Procurement System

Guide to Creating Requisitions & Use of List Facilities to Locate Information

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Table of Contents


Command Reference: Online Functions

University Procurement System

Guide to Creating Requisitions & Use of List Facilities to Locate Information

BASIS Development Team

May 16, 2001


Purchasing Big Picture

Requisition Creation

Requisitions are created and submitted by departmental users, utilizing three (3) different functions. Requisitions cannot be updated once they are approved, with the exception of the tolerance amount. A requisition may be canceled by Purchasing as long as a PO has not been created.

REQH (REQuisition Header creation)

REQH allows the user to enter the header information for a requisition. When initially selecting this function, the user will be required to select a Req Type (Requisition Type) before proceding with the input of the requisition header information. Once the Req Type has been entered, the user must start over if they wish to modify it. Requisition types to choose from are:
RE Regular
TQ (Dept) Telephone Quote
BR Bid Requested
PC Purchase from Contract
BL Blanket
SS Sole Source Purchase
PR Personal Reimbursement
SA Professional/Maint Serv Agreement
EP Emergency Purchase
IA Invoice Attached

The requisition header allows the user to enter general information associated with the order.

The requisition Status begins as in-process and is updated when submitted for approval, when approved, when all possible purchase orders have been generated, and when it is cancelled. The Status also indicates requisitions which meet criteria for a PO to be produced at the generation of the batch program to run auto POs. The date, time, and user are logged in the UPDATE HISTORY GROUP each time a requisition's status is changed.

Three (3) types of extended text are associated with a requisition header. One is entered by the department and is printed on the purchase order prior to the printing of the PO lines. Another is entered by the department for communicating to Purchasing. A third is used by Purchasing to make notes related to handling the requisition.

Required and optional elements for a requisition header entry

  1. Although expense distributions are made at the line level, all company cost centers to which a requisition will be charged must be entered at the header level. Distribution percentages for each center may also be entered at the header level, and will be displayed on the input screen as each line of the requisition is entered.
  2. A category code will be required to categorize expenses, income, and other financial activity. The category selected will default to each line of the requisition, but it may be modified at the line level.
  3. An indicator is provided to notify Purchasing that some supporting paper documentation such as a form or detailed specifications is being forwarded to Purchasing.
  4. If the Req Type is not TQ (Telephone Quote), a single vendor or proposed vendor is entered.
  5. If the Req Type of TQ has been selected, a second screen will be available to enter up to five (5) vendors contacted for a quote. If the quote has been awarded on an all or none basis, the user will also enter any cost for freight while on this screen.
  6. A future date may be entered as a date for the purchase order to become effective. If no date is entered, the effective date will be the date the PO is issued.
  7. A departmentally assigned identifier may be entered which can be used to track requisitions and purchase orders. This may be a departmentally assigned requisition number or some other internally used code or number.
  8. Codes for ship-to addresses are maintained on the ADDRESS CODE table and a valid code must be entered or selected from the table. All billing addresses are also maintained on the table and are similarly entered or selected. The requisition header screen will initially fill the billing address with the general Accounts Payable address code, which may be changed to any valid code.
  9. A percent by which a requisition amount may be exceeded may be entered. Purchase orders generated from the requisition may not exceed this limit. Likewise, payments on the subsequent invoices may not exceed this amount until a purchase order supplement has been approved. This maximum amount may be lowered on the PO by Purchasing to ensure that thresholds which dictate applicable purchasing regulations are not exceeded. The input screen initially displays this as 10 percent, unless a Req Type of TQ, PC, or PR has been selected.
  10. A requisition may have a purchase that is identified as construction-related. An MOF number (method of finance) may also be entered, if known.
  11. A requisition may be identified by the user at entry time as including an item with a University Logo. The requisition can then be routed to the Licensing Coordinator for review.
  12. An entry may be made of the date by which the resulting purchase order is expected to be closed. If no date is entered, the date is defaulted to 30 days past the PO issue date, with the exception of blanket purchase orders. Blankets will have an anticipated close date not to exceed 12/31/2099 unless otherwise specified by the user.
  13. An entry may be made of the date on which a delivery is desired, expected, promised, or required and of a code which indicates the meaning of this date. If this field is used, this information will print on the purchase order.
  14. A vendor-assigned customer number may be entered. This is the number by which the vendor identifies the university or particular university department.
  15. If freight is allowed on a purchase order, the user will specify an estimated freight amount. This amount will be distributed to the lines of the requisition. This will assist Accounts Payable in recognizing whether or not freight is allowed to be paid on an invoice.

REQL (REQuisition Line creation)

Once the requisition header has been entered and saved, the REQL function is used to enter the lines of the requisition. The user assigns the requisition line numbers and enters the item quantity, a code for unit of measure, an item description, and the estimated price. A brief description of up to forty (40) characters is required, and a text editing feature is provided to allow entry of extended text for lengthy, detailed item descriptions.

Expenses may be distributed at the line-item level by percentage or by dollar amount for up to ten cost centers, which must be contained on the requisition header.

An estimated sales tax will be calculated and committed for each line at a flat rate of 6.5 percent unless it is noted as tax exempt. Sales tax identification numbers are required for requisitions claiming certain types of tax exemptions.

The category code that was initially assigned at the requisition header will be displayed at the line, where it may be modified to contain up to 5 unique category distributions. An assignment of a keyword for an item description may be entered for a line to enable later retrieval of the line (via list functions or reports).

A status of each requisition line is maintained which indicates if a bid solicitation or purchase order has been created for it, or if it has been canceled.

An assignment of a commodity class code will be required for each line. The user may select a code from a table by utilizing a key word search while in this field.

If a vendor provides a trade-in with the purchase of an item, or if there is an overall discount, a separate line will be created by the user with a negative amount. A requisition line that contains a negative amount must apply cost center distribution by percentage for that line.

If a Req Type of PC (Purchase from Contract) has been selected by the user in the REQH function, the description and unit cost will be displayed as the user creates the lines for the contract by typing the contract line number in the banner. If the contract contains a miscellaneous section (i.e., office supply contract), the user will be able to type the description and cost for the miscellaneous item requested by typing "9999" in the Contract Line No field.

Once the requisition lines associated with the header have been saved, the user will access the REQT function to submit the requisition via TARGET.

REQT (REQuisition TARGET Processing)

The REQT function provides facilities for the submission of requisitions for approval, and also for their review by the approvers established for the cost center(s). The individuals responsible for approving a requisition are determined by the cost centers to which costs are distributed and by the total requisition amount plus any tolerance amount. A reviewer can approve, hold pending further information, or disapprove the transaction.

Upon final approval of the transaction, requisitions are set either to a status of G (Approved for Auto PO) or to an A (approved by management). Those requisitions with a status of A will be assigned to a Buyer List upon final approval.

Auto POs

Those requisitions that qualify as an auto PO have a status of G upon final approval and do not require the involvement of a Buyer. A batch program will be generated in Purchasing to create the purchase order and another program will be generated to print the purchase orders with a Status of O. Criteria for auto PO is as follows:

Purchase orders which are automatically created by this process will be assigned the state-mandated purchase codes of SO, MO, EL, or ML, with the exception of the Req Type of PC. A Req Type of PC will have the purchase code of ST along with the contract number for those types that have the ST and contract #. Those contracts that are UA will have a purchase code of AT. These codes are determined by the minority status of the vendor and by an exempt status of all commodities requested for purchase.

Advance Purchase Orders

On-line processing of requisitions should eliminate the need for advance POs except on rare occasions. The APO (Advance Purchase Order) function is utilized by Purchasing in those instances when an immediate need for a PO number is requested. The PO number will be system generated. In the event that system access is not available, these numbers may be manually assigned from a reserved block and later entered into the system as an Advance PO. There is also a list facility available which allows tracking of an Advance PO number to insure that a subsequent requisition is entered and processed.

For ease of validation and additional approvals, an Advance PO will not be given on an 04xx cost center. When the user follows up with the requisition, a revised cost center distribution may be entered.

Listing Vendors for a Commodity

A list facility will be available for listing vendors, along with their phone number and address for a particular commodity.

When processing a quote, departmental users will access this list before initiating quotes to see whether or not there are any minority vendors who could possibly quote on a particular commodity. University regulations require an attempt at minority quoting for any requisition that exceeds $5000. Minority Vendors will have a BO beside their name, indicating their minority status.

Department Quotations

As part of the requisition entry, a screen is provided for entry of vendors contacted for quotes. The appropriate name and address for these vendors may be selected from the vendor file or may be entered as proposed vendor data.

When creating the line items, the user will select the suggested awarded vendor for each line, if the quote is awarded on a per-item basis. If the quote is awarded on an all or none basis, once the user selects the initial suggested award vendor, the suggested award will default to all lines created. Purchasing will review the suggested award and enter an award code for actual bid award. If a vendor other than low bid is suggested, a justification message must be communicated to Purchasing.

State and University Contracts

Many of the State and University Term Contracts will be maintained on-line for selection of items for purchase. Selection of a contract and contract lines will add the following data to the requisiton header and lines:

For those contracts that contain a miscellaneous section, the user can enter "9999" in the line number and then they will be able to enter all information for the miscellaneous item. (No information will be pulled from the contract).

List Facilities

Numerous inquiry facilities are provided for locating requisitions, purchase orders, contracts, and bids. Since much of the data for requisitions, POs, bids, and contracts occurs at the line level, inquiry facilities are also provided to list lines based on key data. List functions are defined as follows:

Requisition lists

LRBS List Requisitions for a Buyer & Status
LRLN List Requisition Lines by Number
LRQS List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, & type
LRBU List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id
LRLK List Requisition Lines by Keyword
LORC List Open Requisition lines for a Cost center/category

Purchase order lists

LADV List ADVance purchase orders
LLPO List Lines for a Purchase Order
LOPC List Open POs for a Company cost center
LPOC List Purchase Orders for a Contract
LPOR List Purchase Orders Requisition
LPOS List POs for a Status and BU
LPOV List POs for Vendor
LPOF List POs for a Follow up code
LTPO List Transactions for a Purchase Order

Contract lists

LCST List Contract for a Status, Type, and date
LCHV List Contract Header for a Vendor
LCLK List Contract Line by a Keyword
LCLN List Contract Line for a contract Number

Supplements to Purchase Orders

Periodically it will be necessary to modify a purchase order. The following functions are available:
POIT Purchase Order Item change TARGET
PODT Purchase Order Distribution change TARGET
POHT Purchase Order Header change TARGET
Users are able to modify line items as well as change quantities, unit cost, item descriptions, item freight, item tax, extended item descriptions, and Vendor Item No using the POIT function. It is also used if the quantity or dollar amount received is less than what was ordered and the remainder is NOT going to be received. Use of this function results in a TARGET transaction that routes to Purchasing for final approval.

Changes to cost center distribution prior to receiving or payment for a line may be accomplished using the PODT function.

Updates to the PO Max and PO Expiration Dt may be accomplished by using the POHT function.

It should be noted that no additional lines may be added to a purchase order. :pa This section explains the processes by which you perform certain activities related to creatiing Requisitions, PO Supplements, and using list facilities to locate requisitons and purchase orders. These sections are best used as step-by-step guides as you enter and process requisitions, look for requisitions, purchase orders, PO supplements, etc.

How to Create and Submit a Requisition

A requisition is a request to purchase goods or services. The REQH (REQuisition Header) function provides the facilities for creating (building) the header portion of the requisition. This includes all information associated with a requisition with the exception of line-item information. Once the requisition header has been created and saved, the REQL (REQuisition Line) function is accessed in order to create the requisition line items. Once the header and line information has been created and saved, you will use the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function to submit the requisition for approval.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of a requisition is a three-step process.
Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)
Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)
Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval via TARGET. (REQT)

Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)

Requisition headers can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied. (VAUDC)

To create a requisition header  

  1. Input Action A and Req Type and press Enter.
  2. Press the PF1 key while the cursor is in the Req Type field to access the Help list of selections:
    RE Regular
    TQ (Dept.) Telephone Quote
    BR Bids Requested
    PC Purchase from Contract
    BL Blanket
    SS Sole Source Purchase
    PR Personal Reimbursement
    SA Professional/Maint Serv Agreement
    EP Emergency Purchase.
    IA Invoice Attached.
  3. Press Enter. At this point you can get as detailed as you wish. Most requisition types will only require you to enter information in the following fields:

    The other fields are also available for entry, depending on what you are processing and how detailed you want to get in order to find more information when accessing the list facilities.

  4. The Advance PO No field is used to input the Advance PO number if one has been given to you by Purchasing. An Advance PO is only distributed for emergency-related purposes.
  5. Input the cost centers that will be used for the requisition in the CCC field. If the requisition is going to be created using more than one cost center, press the PF12 (CCC) key to enter additional cost centers.

    Note: Only cost centers entered at the header may be used when you begin creating your requisition lines.

  6. Input a Category for each cost center listed. Press the PF1 key while the cursor is in the Category field to see a help window which lists the appropriate categories for the cost center. Please Note: You can add up to four (4) additional categories for each cost center when you are creating your requisition lines.
  7. The Pr (Project) field is an optional field available if you want to further categorize a cost center distributions by project.
  8. The Estimated Req Amt field is an optional field in which you can enter an estimate of the total value of the requisition. It becomes a required field if you enter an amount in the Est Freight field.

    Note: In the instance of a Req Type of TQ, you must enter the actual requisition amount.

  9. The Est Freight field enables estimated freight for a requisition to be distributed across the lines of the requisition as they are entered in order to establish a commitment amount per line for the estimated freight.

    Note: No freight will be paid on an invoice unless a minimum amount of $1.00 is entered in this field or on the requisition line.

    IMPORTANT: Depending on the Req Type selected, the system will default $1.00 in this field. It is modifiable if you choose to remove the freight or change it to a more realistic amount. In the instance of a Req Type of TQ, you must enter the actual freight amount for the vendor you are suggesting be awarded the quote.

  10. The Tolerance % field is the percentage by which payment may exceed the total requisition amount, including freight but not tax. The system will default to 10% for most requisition types. Purchasing may impose a lower Tolerance % in the instance of a bid, when the item quoted is a firm price, or to ensure that thresholds which dictate applicable purchasing regulations are not exceeded.

    Note: When creating a Req Type of BL (Blanket), if you have chosen not to encumber any funds, you must put "999" in the Tolerance field. Use of the Tolerance can eliminate the need to supplement (update) the PO in most cases.

  11. The Requestor is a required field in which you enter the name of the person for whom the purchase is being made. The name entered here appears on the printed purchase order.
  12. The Telephone field is also a required field in which you enter the phone number of the requestor. It appears on the printed purchase order.
  13. The Ship To address is the address you select for shipment of your items. This is a required field. Address codes are stored in the system, most commonly by 4-letter budgetary unit. (Example: AVCB-001). This example designates the first address for AVCB. You may simply enter your code, if known, or press PF1 to access the list of ship-to addresses.

    Note: If your ship-to address is not in the system, you must contact the Office of Business Affairs, at 575-2551, in order to have the address added. Ship-to addresses do not contain an individual's name. When the purchase order is printed, the Requestor name entered on the requisition appears within the ship-to address.

  14. Press the PF1 key while cursor is in the Handling Codes field to access a Help list of the following selections:
    F Form with Order
    C Check and Form with Order at time of PO
    H Hold check for pick-up by the authorized person
    P Print PO in Purchasing (overrides faxing rules)
    L Future Use for Local Print
    S Suppress both print & fax
    D Confirming PO, do not duplicate order
    I Invoice Attached

    Please Note: Unless you specify "P," the purchase order is faxed to the vendor as long as the vendor has a fax number in the vendor file. Otherwise the PO by default prints in Purchasing.When a Req Type of "PR" (Personal Reimbursement) or "IA" (Invoice Attached) is selected, a Handling Code of "I" will be displayed in the Handling Code field and will not be allowed to be removed. A Handling code of "I" is the only allowable entry for Req Types "PR" and "IA".

  15. If the C or H (produce check and hold) Handling Codes are selected, the Hold for field becomes a required field for the name and phone number of the person to contact to pick up the check.
  16. The Bill To address defaults to the address for the Accounts Payable division. No department code is available for entry in this field unless Accounts Payable gives approval and enters the departmental code for possible selection.
  17. In the Vendor ID field you may enter the number of the vendor from whom you want to purchase your items, or use the vendor search facility to locate the vendor and return their vendor number to the field. For instructions on using the vendor search facility, refer to the Help topic, "Finding a Vendor in UPS Using the Vendor Search Facility." If the vendor or the vendor name or address is not correct, or is not in the search facility, you must propose a new vendor or propose a new address or name for an existing vendor by pressing the PF6 (PropV) key. To propose a new vendor, refer to the Help topic, "Proposing a Vendor."

    Note: When you create a Req Type of TQ (dept. telephone quote), no vendor is enterd on Screen 1.

  18. The PO Effective Date field is an optional field that may be used in those instances when you request that a purchase order be effective on a certain date. This field is required when you create a Req Type of BL (Blanket). If the field is left blank, the purchase order will become effective on the date issued. When creating Req Type PR or IA, this field is labelled as Vendor Invoice Date and is a required field.
  19. The PO Expiration Date field is only used when creating a Req Type of BL (Blanket). When initially creating a blanket, the system defaults the date of 12/30/2099, but it is modifiable. This is the date on which the purchase order is no longer valid.
  20. The Expected PO Close Date field is the date by which a purchase order should be closed and all receiving and invoicing activity should be completed. This date is used to identify orders which remain open longer than you anticipated. This field is optional when creating a requisition. If not specified, the system will default a date on the purchase order of 30 days after the PO effective date. The list facility LPOS (List POs for a Status and BU) may be used to find orders that are still open after the date specified.

    Note: This date does not close purchase orders that are still open after the specified date. This is only a date field that enables you to find those orders still open and on which you may want to check.

  21. If the requisition is construction-related, tab to the Construction Cd field and input "Y." If you have a method of finance number, tab to the MOF field and input the appropriate value. The system will default to N since most requisitions created are not construction-related, but the value is modifiable.
  22. The Delivery Cd field is available for your use if you have a situation in which you have one of the following statements you wish to print on your purchase order. Press the PF1 key while in this field to access the following selections:
    D Desired (delivery by this date is desired)
    E Expected (there are strong reasons to believe that delivery will be made by this date)
    P Promised (the vendor has commited to this date)
    R Required (delivery by this date is a condition of acceptance for the order)
    _ blank (no delivery date has been specified).
  23. If a Delivery Cd is selected, you are required to enter the delivery date in the Date field.
  24. The Univ Logo Item field identifies whether or not the requisition contains items that fall under the University Licensing Program. (Example: shirts with Razorback logos, pictures, printing, etc.) The system defaults to N (no) since most requisitions created are not University Logo related, but the field is modifiable.
  25. The Reference ID field is an optional field which allows you to find requisitions with a particular Reference ID. Example: You may want to know all the orders you have created for a particular person. You can enter their name in this field and use the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) function to locate all orders for that person.
  26. The Supporting Doc field is used in those instances when you have supporting documentation for your requisition which is going to be sent to Purchasing by conventional means. (Example: form, letter, additional bid specs, etc.).

    Note: All supporting documentation must have the requisition number on it so that it can be matched up with the appropriate requisition once received in Purchasing.

  27. The Customer ID No field is used in those instances when you create an order in which your particular department has an ID number that is unique to the vendor to whom you are issuing your order. This field is printed on the purchase order when used.
  28. The Sales Tax ID field is only used when your department has a valid Sales Tax ID and is tax exempt or when purchasing items on a particular requisition that are to be used as Purchase for Resale. This field is used in conjunction with the Type field. To access a Help list of possible values, press the PF1 key while the cursor is in this field:
    R Resale
    E Exempt

    Note: When purchasing items that are for resale, or if your department is tax exempt, the whole requisition must fall into one of these categories.

  29. Your user ID appears in the Dept Rep ID field. This field is used to indicate who created the requsition. You should change this field to another user ID only if you are entering the requisition on behalf of someone normally responsible and who also has access to the application.
  30. Your budgetary unit code is automatically placed in the BU field. This field indentifies your department and is used when accessing certain lists to find information as well as for accounting purposes. You should change this field only if some BU other than the one identified is responsible for the requisition.
  31. Press PF10 to save the requisition header.

Once you save the header, the system assigns a requisition number in the Req field in the banner. You are now ready for Step 2, Create the Requisition Lines.

To update a requisition header

A requisition header may be updated as long as it has a Status of P (in process). Use an Action U (update). All fields originally entered (under Action A) are modifiable.

Note: If you remove a cost center from the header you are required to update those requisition lines which contained the removed cost center prior to submitting it via TARGET using the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function.

To delete a requisition header

A requisition header may be deleted as long as it has a Status of P (in process).

Use an Action D (delete). Please Note: If you have created any requisition lines associated with the header, you must delete the lines before you can delete the header.

To copy a requisition header

A requisition header may be copied from an existing requisition, which results in an Action of A (add) after pressing PF10.

Use an Action C (copy). All fields are modifiable. Please Note: You must view the requisition header you want to copy prior to changing the Action to C. Once you press PF10, the system assigns a new requisition number which is displayed in the Req field in the banner.

Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)

The REQL (REQuisition Line) function allows you to create (build) the associated line(s) of the requistition. Although suggested, line numbers are not required to be sequential. Requisition lines can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).

To create a requisition lines  

  1. Input Action A and the Req (number and line no.) and press Enter.
  2. Input a description of up to forty (40) characters in the Desc field. This description can be entered in mixed, upper, or lower case, provided at least one character is in upper case. If additional text is required press the PF9 (EItmD) key. A window will be displayed that will enable you to continue typing the line item description. Once the extended item description has been entered, press Enter to validate and PF10 to save the extended item description. The last item line is a good place to enter a memo to the vendor. For example, Attn. John, please rush, etc.

    Note: The 40 character description line will be used on various list functions. You should get in the habit of using this field as an overall description of the item you are purchasing and of using the PF9 key to add the extended item description.

  3. The Vendor Item No field is an optional field that may be used to type a vendor's item number for a particular item.
  4. The Commodity is a required field in which you will select the appropriate commodity class item for the item you are requesting. For more information on commodity class codes, refer to Help topic, "Commodity Class Item Search Facility."

    IMPORTANT: The selection of the appropriate commodity class code also assigns the expenditure code, thus determining the financial accounting. If in doubt as to the correct commodity class code to select, contact the Purchasing Office for assistance.

    The following screen is displayed when PF1 is pressed.

    Figure 1. Help Screen for Commodity Class Item Selection

     Enter values and press ENTER to validate
      UPOREQL 1                   REQuisition Line - REQL             09/05/96 10:30
                               Commodity Class/Item Keyword
         Please enter a starting value and press ENTER
         User should start the keyword search with specific keywords. If the
         class/item is not found, then enter more general keywords.
         CLASS/ITEM Keywords are system maintained keywords parsed automatically
         from the CLASS-ITEM-DESC.  Words considered insignificant
         eg. (of, an, the, ...) are removed and not used.  These keywords are
         converted, stored in upper case and used as search criteria in locating
         specfic commodity class items.  The list is built from the first
         keywords parsed from the description, up to the maximum allowed.
              PF3=Quit                  Starting Keyword:
    Input the keyword you are searching for and press Enter. The following screen is an example of what is displayed if you searched using the keyword "subscription."

    Figure 2. Commodity Class Item Search

     Enter values and press ENTER to validate
      UPOREQL 1                   REQuisition Line - REQL             09/05/96 10:35
                                 Commodity Class/Item Code
         Select an entry or press enter to scroll to next screen
     -       Keyword Found for     CCI    --------------Description---------------
          _  SUBSCRIPTIONS         71350
          _  SUBSCRIPTIONS         82701
          _  SUBSCRIPTIONS         82730
            PF3=Quit             Keyword Starting From: SUBSCRIPTIONS
    Tab to the commodity class you want to select and press Enter. The code for the commodity will be displayed in the Commodity field.
  5. The Qty field is a required field in which you will enter the quantity of the items you are requesting.
  6. The UM field is a required field in which you enter the appropriate unit of measure for the item(s) you are ordering. Press the PF1 key while in this field to access a Help facility which lists valid unit of measure codes. Select the appropriate unit of measure for your purchase.

    IMPORTANT: The selection of the $ in the UM field designates that receiving is performed by dollar amount rather than by quantity. For more information on dollar receiving, refer to Help topic, "How to Acknowledge Receipt of an Order Utilizing Dollar Receiving".

  7. The Unit Price field is the field in which you enter the unit price of the item you are ordering.

    Note: The system does allow you to leave this field blank if the item you are requesting is at no charge. The system also allows for a negative amount to be entered for instances involving discounts or trade-ins.

  8. The Item Freight field is available for entry of freight for a line item.

    Note: If you entered an estimated freight amount on REQH, when you press Enter the pro-rated freight amount for the line you are creating is displayed and can be modified.

  9. The Tax field will display tax, if applicable, when you press Enter.

    Note: The system will calculate tax at 6.5%. If you know exactly the amount of tax to be charged, you can enter that amount in this field. Any amount you enter in this field will override the system calculation.

  10. The two (2) Keyword fields allow you the option of entering two keywords for the item you are requesting. When you use one or both of these fields, you can retrieve requisition lines by the entered keyword on the LRLK (List Req Lines by Keyword) function.
  11. The Dept Stock No field is an optional field in which you may enter a stock number if you are an area that uses stock numbers in your daily operation.
  12. The Packed By field is an optional field you may use in order to note how the items will be packaged. For example: you order 1 case, but the items are shipped in a case that consists of 24 bottles.
  13. Press PF10 to save the line.
  14. Repeat the above steps if you are entering additional lines.

Once you have examined the requisition and are ready to submit the requisition for approval, follow Step 3, Submit the Requisition for approval via TARGET.

To update a requisition line

A requisition line may be updated as long as the entire requisition has not been submitted for approval via TARGET (REQT). Using an Action of U (update), all fields originally input can be modified.

To delete a requisition line

A requisition line may be deleted using an Action D as long as the entire Req. has not been submitted for approval via TARGET (REQT).

To copy a requisition line

You may choose to copy a requisition line for one of the following reasons:

To copy a requisition line for the same requisition  

  1. View the line you want to copy.
  2. Use an Action C; tab to the Req line number field in the banner and input the new line number you want to use; press Enter..
  3. At this point all fields are modifiable.
  4. Press PF10 to save the new line.

To copy a requisition line from another requisition  

  1. Before you begin the copy process, write down the Req No you are currently creating on a piece of paper along with the Req No you want to copy from.
  2. Input Action V and the Req (number and line no.) you want to copy from and press Enter.
  3. The requisition line number you want to copy will be displayed on the screen.
  4. Input Action C, Req number you want to copy to and the Req line number you want to create and press Enter
  5. At this point all fields are modifiable.
  6. Press PF10 to save.

Step 3: Submit the requisition via TARGET (REQT)

The REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function allows you to submit your requisition for approval. This is also the command reviewers access in order to review your requisition transaction. Reviewers can approve, hold or disapprove the requisition transaction. The TARGET transaction may be viewed, updated, submitted and withdrawn (VUSW).

To submit a requisition via TARGET for approval  

  1. Input Action S (Submit) and the Req number and press Enter.

    Note: If you have several requisitions to submit you can access the list function LRQS (List Requisitions for a Status, BU, & Type). More information on this list facility can be found later in this manual.

  2. You will notice that the screen displays certain pieces of information from the header of the requisition, along with the first 40 characters of each requisition line.
  3. Prior to submitting the requisition for approvals you are able to modify the Tolerance % if you failed to do so on the requisition header. You will also have another opportunity to state whether or not the request is construction-related (the Construction Cd field).
  4. To view the cost center distribution for a line, mark it and press the PF4 (DeCode) key.
  5. To view the total for each Category you entered on the requisition, press the PF12 (CCC) key, then select each cost center and press Enter.
  6. By viewing the proposed status of the requisition, you will also know whether or not your requisition will qualify as an 'Auto PO' upon final approval. Requisition statuses are defined as follows:
    P In Process
    S Submitted for Approval
    A Approved by Management
    R Re-Submitted for additional approval (i.e.; SS, etc)
    G Awaiting Generation of a completed Auto PO
    H Awaiting Generation of an In Process PO
    C Completed, all neccesary and possible POs have been generated
    X Cancelled
  7. Once you are satisfied that the requisition is correct, press PF10 to submit it via TARGET for approval.

To update an approved requisition via TARGET.   With an Action U a requisition may be updated from this function as long as it has a Status of A (approved). Only the Tolerance may be modified.

To withdraw a requisition

A requisition may be withdrawn with an Action W as long as it has a Status of S (submitted). A requistion may only be withdrawn by the initiator of the transaction. Once the requisition has been withdrawn, its Status will become P (in process) so that it can then be updated and re-submitted, or deleted.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, REQL, and REQT functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual and other "How-To" documents.

How to Create a Requisition from a State or University Contract

Creating a requisition from a State or University contract follows the same basic steps as outlined in "How to Create and Submit a Requisition" with a few minor exceptions. The primary difference is that you will be using the data stored in the Contract header/line files to assist in the creation of your requisition.

Many of the University and State term contracts are maintained online for selection of items for purchase. These are accessed by contract or contract line number or are selected by the item keyword search facility.

Types of contracts maintained:

Note: Some contracts do not list all line items on a contract. The commodities to be purchased are listed in a catalog or supporting documentation. A contract line item with a 9999 number represents miscellaneous lines that, when pulled into a requisition, require the user to enter the item description, any extended item description, unit price, and unit code. Whenever a requisition has used a 9999 line item from a contract, the requisition is placed on a buyer list. On contract lines of 9999, Unit Price is not required.

Restrictions of using certain contracts:

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of a requisition with a Req Type PC for State or University contracts is a three step process.
Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)
Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)
Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval via TARGET (REQT).

Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)

Requisition headers can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A, Req Type PC (Purchase from Contract), and Contract number.

    If the Contract number is not known, press the PF1 key while the cursor is in the Contract field to access the Contract Keyword Search Facility. This help routine allows you to select a contract by entering a keyword.

    The following is an example of the screen presented when PF1 is pressed.

    Figure 3. Contract Number Keyword search

        Keyword             Description   Contract # CS    Unit Price Unit LS
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 1    P5-100 Gateway Computer System                   1,714.00 EA  X
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 2    P5-100 Gateway Computer Sys, w/MS WORKS          1,585.00 EA  A
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 3    P5-120 Gateway Computer System                   1,779.00 EA  A
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 14   P5-133 Gateway Computer System                   1,935.00 EA  A
                           Lines 1     through 4
       PF3=Quit              PF8=Forwd        Keyword: PENTIUM
     Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keyword

    Contract keywords are maintained on the contract lines by the Purchasing contract clerk. Only significant words are used as keywords. These keywords are converted and stored in upper case and used as search criteria in locating specific contract line items. The keyword list is constructed by the contract clerk from words from the contract line item description, up to a maximum of five. The keyword search should begin with specific keywords. If the contract line item is not found, more general keywords should be entered. If the contract is not found, contact the contract clerk at 575-2551.

    Note: The CS (contract status) indicates whether the contract is A (active) or X (cancelled). Only active contracts should be selected.

  2. Follow steps 4 through 7 in "How to Create and Submit a Requisition" section.
  3. The Estimated Req Amt is an optional field on a contract purchase.
  4. The Est Freight field is not generally used when ordering from a contract, because the freight is included in the price of the item being purchased. The only exception would be when the department orders less the minimum order amount. The Tolerance % field is the percentage by which the payment may exceed the total requisition amount. The exception is bulk fuel, printing overruns, etc. where the unit price governs.
  5. Follow Steps 11 through 16 in "How to Create and Submit a Requisition" section.
  6. The Vendor ID field defaults from the contract and is not modifiable.
  7. Follow Steps 18 through 30 in "How to Create and Submit a Requisition" section.
  8. Press Enter to validate information. The system will display the message: "All entries are valid, press PF10 to save."
  9. Once you save the header, a requisition number is displayed in the Req field in the banner.

Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)

Requisition lines can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A, Req number, Req line no. and
  2. Contract and press Enter.
  3. The Contract Line Number, if known. Otherwise, press the PF1 key while cursor in the Contract Line Number field to access the "Contract Keyword Search Facility". This help routine allows you to select a contract line by entering a keyword.

    The following is an example of the screen presented when PF1 is pressed.

    Figure 4. Contract Line Number Keyword search

        Keyword             Description   Contract # CS    Unit Price Unit LS
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 1    P5-100 Gateway Computer System                   1,714.00 EA  X
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 2    P5-100 Gateway Computer Sys, w/MS WORKS          1,585.00 EA  A
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 3    P5-120 Gateway Computer System                   1,779.00 EA  A
        PENTIUM                         UAGATE01      A
      * 14   P5-133 Gateway Computer System                   1,935.00 EA  A
                           Lines 1     through 4
       PF3=Quit              PF8=Forwd        Keyword: PENTIUM
     Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keyword

    Note: The LS (line status) indicates whether the contract line is A (active) or X (cancelled). Be sure to only select contract lines that are active.

Option 1: If you select a contract line number between 1 and 9998  

  1. The Desc field is not modifiable. If additional item text is required (for any contract line selected), press the PF9 (EItmD) key. A window is displayed to enable you to continue typing the line item description. Once all extended item descriptions have been typed, press Enter to validate and PF10 to save the extended item description.
  2. The Qty field is the only required field. Please enter the quantity being requested for this contract item.
  3. The Item Freight field is not used for most contract items since the freight, if allowed, is added into the price.
  4. Follow Steps 9 through 14 in the "How to Create a Requisition Line" section of "Creating and Submitting a Requisition."
Option 2: If you select a contract line number of 9999

A contract line item with a 9999 number represents miscellaneous lines that, when pulled into a requisition, require the user to enter the fields as a regular requisition line.

Items requested using contract line 9999 must be valid items listed in the contract or in supporting documentation. Whenever a requisition has used a 9999 line item from a contract, this requisition is placed on a buyer list for processing.

For assistance with creating a requisition line from a contract line number 9999, you may call the contract clerk at 575-2551.

  1. Follow Steps 1 through 14 in the "How to Create a Requisition Line" section of "Creating and Submitting a Requisition."

    Once all items have been entered, you may submit the requisition via TARGET for approval.

Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval via TARGET (REQT)

Follow the same steps as outlined in Step 3 of "How to Submit a Requisition via TARGET for Approval."

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, REQL, and REQT functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find the Requisitions You Have Created by Using List Facilities

There are several list facilities available to assist you in finding requisitions that have been created and submitted.
LRQS List Requisitions for a Status, BU, Type, and Date
LRLN List Requisition Lines by Number
LRBU List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date
LRLK List Requisition Lines for a BU by item keyword
LORC List Open Req Lines for a Company cost center & category

Using LRQS to Find Requisitions

LRQS (List Requisitions for a Status, BU, Type, and Date) allows you to list requisitions for a particular Status or by a more specific selection of BU, Type, and Creation Date.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  2. All requisitions for the given Status and BU are displayed as well as requisition Type and Creation Date, if specified.
  3. If all requisitions cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisitions have been listed.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRQS (List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, type, and date) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

Using LRLN to Find Requisition Lines

LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) allows you to view requistion lines for a particular requisition.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Req number and press Enter.
  2. All requisition lines of the given requistion are displayed.
  3. If all requisitions lines cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed.
  4. If there is an extended item description associated with any line of the requisition, an asterisk (*) will be displayed beside the requisition line number.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

Using LRBU to Find Requisitions

LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) allows you to view requisitions for a particular BU, and gives you the ability to further define the list by a department reference ID that was entered on the requisition header.

Step by Step process

  1. Input the BU and the Dept Reference ID and press Enter.
  2. All requisitions for the given BU are displayed as well as for the Department Ref ID, if specified.
  3. If all requisitions cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU and dept reference id by date) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

Using LRLK to Find Requisition Lines

This function will not be available until after July 1. LRLK (List Requisition Lines for a BU by item keyword) allows you to view requisition lines for a particular BU and Item Keyword with an option to start from a particular requisition number.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the BU, Item Keywordand the Req number and press Enter. The Req field is an optional starting value if you want your list to start from a particular Req; otherwise leave this field blank.
  2. All requisition lines for the given BU and item keyword are displayed.
  3. If all requisition lines cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed.
  4. If there is extended item description associated with any line of the requisition, an asterisk (*) will be displayed beside the requisition line number.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRLK (List Requisition Lines by Keyword) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

Using LORC to Find Requisition Lines

LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) allows you to list open requisition lines for a particular company cost center and/or cateogry.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Co Ctr No and the
  2. Dept Catg and press Enter.
  3. All open requisition lines for the Company Cost Center/Category combination you specified are displayed.
  4. If all requisitions lines cannot be displayed on one screen, then pressing PF8 will display screens successively until all requisition lines have been displayed. Running totals will be displayed at the bottom of the screen for in-process (not submitted), pending approval, and committed amounts.

Related Topics

For further information on the LORC (List Open Requisition lines for a Company cost center & category) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Copy a Requisition

You can copy a requisition header, requisition lines on the same requisition, or requisition lines from another requisition.

Copying a Requisition Header to Create a New Requistion

A requisition header can be copied from an existing requisition header which results in an Action A (add) after pressing PF10.

Step by Step Process

  1. Find and display the requistion header that you want to copy using Action V on REQH.
  2. Change the following keys in the banner area of the screen and press Enter:
  3. All fields will then be modifiable.
  4. Press PF10 to save the new requisition header.
  5. Write down the new requisition number that is displayed in the banner.

Copying Requisition Lines from One Requisition to Another

Requisition lines can be copied from an existing requisition header to another which results in an Action A (add) after pressing PF10.

Step by Step Process

  1. Be sure you know the requisition number of the requisition header to which you want to copy the requisition lines.
  2. Next, find the lines on REQL that you want to copy.
  3. Input Action V, Req number and line number (for the requisition from which you want to copy) and press Enter.
  4. Once the requisition line that you want to copy is displayed on the screen, go back to the banner area of the screen and change the Action to C and change the Req being displayed to the new Req to which you want to copy and press Enter.
  5. At this point, all fields are modifiable.
  6. Press PF10 to save the new requisition line.
Repeat above steps until all the requisition lines have been copied.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, and REQL functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Withdraw a Requisition

Once a requisition has been submitted for approval via TARGET, and as long as the transaction is pending review, it may be withdrawn by the initiator of the transaction using the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "REQT" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input Action W and Req number and press Enter.

    Note: Only the initiator of the transaction can withdraw it.

  3. A message will display "Press PF10 to withdraw the displayed txn."
  4. Press PF10 to withdraw the displayed transaction.
  5. At this point the requisition will have a Status of P (in process) and may be updated and re-submitted for approval.
  6. If the requisition is not going to be re-submitted and you want to delete it, follow the steps outlined in the "How to Delete a Requisition" section of this manual.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQT (Requisition TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Delete a Requisition

A requisition with a Status of P (in process) may be deleted. You must first delete all lines associated with the requisition, then you can delete the requisition header itself.

Step by Step Process

Step 1: Delete the requisition line (REQL).

  1. Input Action D, Req number and line number and press Enter.
  2. The system will display the message: "Press PF10 to delete Rxxxxxx.xx." where the first six 'x' characters denote the requisition number, and the two after the colon denote the specific line number. Press PF10 to delete the line.
  3. Repeat steps until all lines have been deleted.

Step 2: Delete the requisition header (REQH).

  1. Input Action D and the Req number and press Enter.
  2. The system will display the message: "Press PF10 to delete Rxxxxxx." Press PF10 to delete the empty requisition header.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, and REQL functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Increase/Decrease the Tolerance % on an Approved Requisition

Once the appropriate cost center managers approve a requisition, it will be displayed on a buyer list for review and action (if it did not qualify as an Auto PO). If upon review of the requisition it becomes necessary to increase the tolerance in order to create the purchase order, the user department will be requested to increase the Tolerance using the the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function. The modification to the Tolerance will route via TARGET for approval.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input Action U, and the Req number and press Enter.
  2. The cursor will be positioned in the Tolerance field. Modify the Tolerance to the desired percentage and press Enter. The previous value will be displayed under the new value.
  3. Press PF10 to submit. Once approved by all cost center managers, the revised Tolerance will replace the existing one on the requisition.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function, please refer to the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Create a Comment to Purchasing on Your Requisition

When creating a requisition, you can make comments to purchasing through the PF9 "BU's comments to Purchasing" option. Examples of when you may want to use this option include:

Step by Step Process for creating a comment for RE type requistions

  1. The PF9 (Text) key is available for use in the REQH function.
  2. Select the option "BU's comments to Purchasing" and type your comments.
  3. Press PF10 to save your comment.

Step by Step Process for SS type requistions

  1. The PF9 (Text) key is available for use in the REQH function.
  2. Select the "BU's comments to Purchasing" option by marking with "X" and pressing enter.
  3. Press PF11 (insert option).
  4. Tab to "Insert other text entity" then press PF10.
  5. Move cursor to "Record Type Field" and input letters "PUR".
  6. Press Enter and type "SS" in "ID:" field.
  7. Press Enter and tab to "SS-1" and mark with an "X".
  8. Press PF10.
  9. Indicate your Sole Source Justification option and press PF8 to forward page.
  10. Fill in required data and PF8 to forward page to last section
  11. Fill in required data on this last section. Press PF10 to save comment.
  12. Sole source purchases may be justified if: purchase of repairs involve hidden damage, purchase requires performance compatibility with existing commodities and/or services, and purchase is based on performance specifications. If any of these justifications involve a vehicle, the license number should be included. The justification form must be in detail.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH function, please refer to the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Create Text on a Requisition to Print on a Purchase Order

There may be instances when you want some text to print on your purchase order which is more than a line item (i.e. Price reflects a 10% discount). This text will print prior to the printing of the purchase order lines.

Step by Step Process

  1. The PF9 (Text) key is available for use while in the REQH function.
  2. Select the option "BU's text to be printed on PO" and type your comments in the window that appears.
  3. Press PF10 to save the text.

How to Find Advance Purchase Orders Given to Your Budgetary Unit

Purchasing will give advance purchase orders to departments when there is insufficient time to process the requisition in the normal manner.

The LADV (List ADVanced purchase orders for a budgetary unit) function allows you to list advance POs for a budgetary unit.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input "LADV" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input Status O and BU and press Enter.
  3. A list of advance POs given to your budgetary unit will be displayed, along with the vendor name, amount, date given, and brief description.
  4. Enter the advance PO number in the AdvPONo field on the requisition header.

Related Topics

For further information on the LADV (List of ADVance purchase orders for a budgetary unit) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Locate Minority Vendors for Bidding Purposes

You are required to contact a minimum of one (1) minority vendor when soliciting bids, provided there is a minority vendor listed. Not all commodities have minority vendors available.

Step by Step Process

Step 1: How to find a commodity class item code

The LCCK (List Commodity Class item by Keyword) function allows you to list commodity class items by a keyword.
  1. Input "LCCK" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input the Keyword. Keywords are automatically parsed from the class item description. Words considered insignificant (such as of, an, the, etc.) are removed and not used. For example, if bidding printers, type "printer" in the Keyword field.
  3. Tab to the applicable Keyword and select it by typing an "X" on the selection line in front of the keyword.
  4. Press PF2 to suspend. The system will prompt you to enter a Command, which in this case is LVCI.

Step 2: How to find bidders for a commodity class item code

The LVCI (List Vendors with a Commodity class Item) function allows you to list vendors for a commodity class item code.
  1. Since you suspended from LCCK, you will notice that the Commodity Class Item Code is now displayed in the banner. A list of bidders for the commodity class item code you specified is displayed below the banner. Only in instances when there are no qualified bidders for a particular commodity will no bidders be listed.
  2. A vendor designated as a minority vendor will have the letters BO (black owned) beside their vendor name, as in the example below:

    100412 A BO Carter Engineering 1
  3. If all bidders cannot be displayed on one screen, you may press PF8 (NextS) to page forward to the next screen of bidders.
  4. If a minority vendor is located, ensure that the Status A for active.
  5. Tab to the applicable vendor or vendors and select them by typing an "X" on the selection line in front of the Number.
  6. Press PF2 to suspend. The system will prompt you to enter a command which in this case will be VARD.

Step 3: How to find the vendor information

The VARD (Vendor Address Related Data maintenance) function allows you to view the necessary vendor information to complete the quotation.
  1. Since you suspended from LVCI, the first vendor you select will be displayed along with the address, phone number, fax number, etc. At this point you can get the appropriate information you need to complete your quotation.
  2. Use the PF8 key to move through the vendors you selected on LVCI.
  3. Repeat steps until all vendors have been displayed and you have returned to LVCI.

Related Topics

For further information on the LCCK, LVCI, and VARD functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Create a Req Type of TQ (Awarded on an All or None Basis)

Creation of a requisition for a telephone quotation awarded on an all or none basis requires the same basic steps as outlined in "How to Create and Submit a Requisition," with a few minor exceptions. The primary difference is that a second screen allows you to enter all of the vendors you contacted for your telephone quotation.

All bid responses must be received prior to entering the responses in the system. You may choose to tabulate your bid responses on a Telephone Quotation Form prior to entering the responses on-line. Quotations that exceed a certain dollar amount may require you to submit faxed quotations to the Purchasing Office as follow-up documentation for your quote.

Note: Although certain quotes may require that followup documentation is submitted to Purchasing, the quote is entered in the system as a Telephone Quotation.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of a requisition with a Req Type of TQ is a three step process:

Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)

Requisition headers can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A and the Req Type TQ and press Enter.
  2. Input Advance PO No if one has been assigned to you by Purchasing.
  3. Input the company cost center in the CCC field. If the requisition has more than one cost center, press PF12 (CCC) to enter additional cost centers.

    Note: Only those cost centers entered at the header may used when creating the requisition lines.

  4. Input the Category (using the PF1 Category help, if necessary).

    Note: You can add up to four additional categories for each cost center when you create the requisition lines.

  5. The Pr field is an optional one used to further categorize cost center distributions by project.
  6. Input the Requisition Amount. Enter the amount given to you by the vendor whom you are suggesting receive the award. This is a required field on a telephone quotation.
  7. Input the Freight Amt. This is a required field provided the vendor you wish to award the bid to has quoted a price for freight.

    Note: No freight will be paid on an invoice unless freight has been quoted by the vendor.

  8. The Tolerance field is the percentage by which the payment may exceed the total requisition amount. Most telephone quotes will not be allowed a tolerance; therefore, the system does not default the 10% tolerance seen on other requisition types. The exception will be bulk fuel, printing overruns, etc. where the unit price will govern.
  9. Input the Requestor.
  10. Input the requestor phone number in the Telephone field.
  11. Input the ship to address in the Ship To field. This is the address you select for shipment of your items.
  12. The Bill To address defaults to the address for the Accounts Payable division. This field is not modifiable unless you have approval from Accounts Payable.
  13. The PO Effective Date is an optional field to request that a PO be effective on a certain date. If left blank, the PO will become effective on the date issued.
  14. The PO Expiration Date is only used for Req Type of BL.
  15. The Expected PO Close Date is an optional field used to anticipate when a PO should be closed (after all receiving and invoicing activity is complete). The system defaults a date on the PO of 30 days after the PO Effective Date.
  16. The Construction Cd defaults to N (no), but is modifiable.
  17. Input the MOF, (method of finance) if applicable.
  18. The Delivery Cd field is optional. If you want to select one of the following statements to be printed on the PO, press the PF1 key to access a Help list:
    D Desired (delivery by this date desired)
    E Expected (there is a strong reason to believe that delivery will be made by this date)
    P Promised (the vendor has committed to this date)
    R Required (delivery by this date is a condition of acceptance for the order
    _ delivery date has been specified.
  19. If a Delivery Cd is selected, you must enter a delivery date in the Date field.
  20. The Univ Logo Item field defaults to N (no), but is modifiable if the item is University Logo related.
  21. The Reference ID is an optional field used to allow you to find particular requisitions by a reference id.
  22. The Supporting Doc field is used to indicate that supporting documention is being sent to Purchasing by conventional means.

    Note: All supporting documention must have the requisition number on it.

  23. The Customer ID is used to indicate a unique identification number that the vendor has assigned to your order.
  24. The Sales Tax ID field is only used to indicate that your department has a valid Sales Tax ID and that your department is purchasing items that are either purchase for resale or tax exempt. This field is used in conjuction with the Type field which allows you select from the following when you press PF1:
    R Resale
    E Exempt

    Note: When purchasing items for resale or under a tax exempt status, the whole requisition must fall into one of these categories.

  25. Your user ID appears in the Dept Rep field to indicate who created the requisition. This value should be modified only if your are entering the requisition on behalf of someone normally responsible for entering the requisition.
  26. You budgetary unit code appears in the BU field but is modifiable.
  27. Press Enter to validate information. The system will display the message "Go to screen 2 to validate data there."
Screen 2 of REQH (inputting the vendors who where contacted)

Screen 2 of REQH identifies the vendors contacted, their responses, and your suggested award.

  1. The Certifier field defaults to the name of the Requestor from Screen 1, but it is modifiable.
  2. Input the date the quote was taken in the Date Certified field.
  3. The FOB Point defaults to D (Destination), but is modifiable.
  4. The Per Item Award defaults to N (assuming an award of All or None). If you are awarding your quote on a per-item basis, refer to the section "How to Create a Req Type of TQ (Awarded on a Per Item Basis)."
  5. The first Vendor ID field is where you begin tabulating the vendors who were contacted for bids. You can enter up to five vendors. If you know the Vendor ID number, type the number in this field, otherwise press the PF1 key to access the Vendor Search Facility. If you do not know how to use the Vendor Search Facility, refer to the section "Finding a Vendor in UPS Using the Vendor Search Facility." If the vendor is not in the Vendor File, press the PF6 (PropV) and type the vendor name and address.

    Note: An asterisk (*) displayed beside a vendor number indicates that the vendor is a minority vendor.

  6. Input an amount in the Freight field if freight was quoted by the vendor.
  7. The Days field is a required one used to indicate the number of days the vendor quoted for delivery of your items.
  8. The R heading represents the vendor's response to the quote. Press the PF1 key for the following options to select:
    N No Response
    B Bid or Quotation received
    R Responded with a No Bid
    D Disqualified
  9. The Contact field is a required one used to enter the contact's name from the company that quoted on the items and the contact's phone number (in the next field).
  10. Repeat Steps 5 through 9 until all vendors have been entered.
  11. The S heading represents to whom you are suggesting to award the quotation. Type an "X" next to the vendor you suggest receive the award.
  12. Press PF10 to save the header portion of the requisition and quote.
  13. Once you save the header, a requisition number will be displayed in the Req field in the banner.

Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)

Requisition lines can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A and the Req and line no. and press Enter.
  2. Input a description of up to 40 charactes in the Desc field. This description can be entered in mixed, upper, or lower case, provided at least one character is in upper case. Press PF9 (EItmD) to enter additional text. Once all the extended item description is entered, press Enter to validate and PF10 to save the extended item description.

    Note: The 40 character description line is used on various list functions. You should get into the habit of using this field as an overall description of the item and of using the PF9 to add the extended item description.

  3. The Vendor Item No is an optional field used to enter a vendor's item number.
  4. The Commodity field is a required one used to select the appropriate commodity class item code for the item you are requesting. For more information on commodity class codes, see "Commodity Class Item Search Facility."

    Important: The selection of the appropriate commodity class code also assigns the expenditure code, thus determines the financial accounting. If in doubt on which commodity class code to select, contact the Purchasing Office for assistance.

  5. The Qty field is a required one used to enter the quantity of the item(s) you are requesting.
  6. The UM is a required field used to enter the appropriate unit of measure for the item you are requesting. Press PF1 for a Help facility to list the valid unit of measure codes.

    Note: If you select "$" in the UM field, the receiving required will be by dollar amount rather than quantity. For more information on dollar receiving, refer to the Help topic, "How to Perform Dollar Receiving."

  7. The Unit Price field is a required one used to enter the unit price of the item you are requesting.

    Note: The Unit Price you enter on the line must be equal to that quoted by the vendor to whom you want to award the bid quotation.

Screen 2 of REQL (inputing the vendor's quotes for the line item)

Screen 2 of REQL identifies the vendors contacted, their responses, and your suggested award.

  1. The S heading respresents the vendor you have suggested to receive the award. There will be an asterisk (*) in this field.
  2. The A heading respresents the vendor to whom Purchasing awards the quote. This field will be blank until Purchasing awards the quote.
  3. The M heading respresents Minority Status. If the vendor is considered a minority vendor, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the vendor name.
  4. The I heading respresents the vendor's response code. The system defaults to blank, assuming that the vendor is quoting as specified, but the field is modifiable. Press PF1 key for the following selections:
    _ as specified
    E Alternate Equivalent was bid
    D Disqualified
    N No Response
    R Responded with a No Bid
  5. Input the Unit Cost quoted for each vendor who responded.
  6. Press PF10 to save your line.
  7. Repeat these steps for each line item of your requisition and quote.
Once all items have been entered, you may submit the requisition via TARGET for approval.

Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval (REQT)

TARGET transactions can be viewed, updated, reviewed and withdrawn (VURW).

  1. Input Action S and the Req (requisition number) and press Enter.
  2. You can modify the Construction Cd, if necessary.
  3. Select each line and press PF4 (DCode) to view the cost center distribution for each line.
  4. Select each cost center and press PF12 (CCC) to display the total for each Category you entered.
  5. The proposed status of the requistion indicates whether or not the requistion qualifies as an auto PO upon final approval. Requisition statuses are defined as follows:
    P In Process
    S Submitted for Approval
    A Approved by Management
    R Re-submitted for additional approval (i.e. SS, etc)
    G Awaiting Generation of a completed Auto PO
    H Awaiting Generation of an In Process PO
    C Completed, all necessary and possible POs have been generated
    X Cancelled
  6. Once you are satisfied that the requisition is correct, press PF10 to submit it for approval via TARGET.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, REQL, and REQT functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Create a Req Type of TQ (Awarded on a Per-Item Basis)

Creation of a requisition for a telephone quotation awarded on a per-item basis requires the same basic steps as outlined in "How to Create & Submit a Requisition" with a few minor exceptions. The primary difference is that a second screen allows you to enter all of the vendors you contacted for your telephone quotation.

All bid responses must be received prior to entering the responses in the system. You may choose to tabulate your bid responses on a Telephone Quotation Form prior to entering the responses online. Quotations that exceed a certain dollar amount may require you to submit faxed quotations to Purchasing as followup documentation for your quote.

Note: Although certain quotes may require followup documentation, the quote is entered in the system as a telephone quotation.

Step by Step Process

Creation and submission of a requisition with a Req Type of TQ is a three step process:
Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)
Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)
Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval via TARGET. (REQT)

Step 1: Create the requisition header (REQH)

Requisition headers can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A and Req Type TQ and press Enter.
  2. Input Advance PO No if one has been assigned to you by Purchasing.
  3. Input the company cost center in the CCC field. If the requisition has more than one cost center, press PF12 (CCC) to enter additional cost centers.

    Note: Only those cost centers entered at the header may used when creating the requisition lines.

  4. Input the Category (using the PF1 Category help, if necessary).

    Note: You can add up to four additional categories for each cost center when you create your requisition lines.

  5. The Pr field is an optional one used to futher categorize cost center distributions by project.
  6. Input the amount in the Estimated Req Amount field. This is a required field on a telephone quotation. You will enter the combined amount for each vendor to whom you are suggesting to award.
  7. The Freight Amt field is not used on a per-item bid. If freight is quoted, it is entered for each requisition line.
  8. The Tolerance % 1 field is the percentage by which the payment may exceed the total requisition amount. Most telephone quotes will not be allowed a tolerance; therefore, the system does not default the 10% tolerance seen on other requisition types.
  9. Input the Requestor.
  10. Input the requestor phone number in the Telephone field.
  11. Input the ship-to address in the Ship To field. This is the address you select for shipment of your items.
  12. The Bill To address defaults to the address for the Accounts Payable division. This field is not modifiable unless you have approval from Accounts Payable.
  13. The PO Effective Date is an optional field used to request that a PO be effective on a certain date. If left blank, the PO will become effective on the date issued.
  14. The PO Expiration Date is only used for Req Type of BL.
  15. The Expected PO Close Date is an optional field used to anticipate when a PO should be closed (after all receiving and invoicing activity is complete). The system defaults a date on the PO of 30 days after the PO Effective Date.
  16. The Construction Cd defaults to N (No), but is modifiable.
  17. Input the MOF (method of finance) if applicable.
  18. The Delivery Cd field is optional. If you want to select one of the following statements to be printed on the PO, press the PF1 key:
    D Desired (delivery by this date desired)
    E Expected (there is a strong reason to believe that delivery will be made by this date)
    P Promised (the vendor has committed to this date)
    R Required (delivery by this date is a condition of acceptance for the order
    _ delivery date has been specified
  19. If a Delivery Cd is selected, you must enter a delivery date in the Date field.
  20. The Univ Logo Item field defaults to N (No), but is modifiable if the item is University Logo related.
  21. The Reference ID is optional field used to allow to find particular requisitions by a reference id.
  22. The Supporting Doc field is used to indicate that supporting documention is being sent to Purchasing by conventional means.

    Note: All supporting documention must have the requisition number on it.

  23. The Customer ID is used to indicate a unique identification number that the vendor has assigned to your order.
  24. The Sales Tax ID field is only used to indicate that your department has a valid Sales Tax ID and that your department is purchasing items that are either purchase for resale or tax exempt. This field is used in conjuction with the Type field which allows you select from the following when you press PF1:
    R Resale
    E Exempt

    Note: When purchasing items for resale or under a tax exempt status, the whole requisition must fall into one of these categories.

  25. Your user ID appears in the Dept Rep field to indicate who created the requisition. You should modify it only if you are entering the requisition on behalf of someone normally responsible for entering the requisition.
  26. You Budgetary Unit code appears in the BU field, but it is modifiable.
  27. Press Enter to validate information. The system will display the message "Go to screen 2 to validate data there."
Screen 2 of REQH (inputing the vendors who where contacted)

Screen 2 of REQH identifies the vendors contacted and their responses.

Note: On a per-item bid, you do not enter a suggested award until you create each line of the requisition and quote.

  1. The Certifier defaults to the name of the requestor from Screen 1, but is modifiable.
  2. Input the date the quote was taken in the Date Certified field.
  3. The FOB Point defaults to D (destination), but is modifiable.
  4. The Per Item Award defaults to N. You need to change it to Y to indicate a per-item bid.
  5. The first Vendor ID field is where you begin tabulating the vendors who were contacted for bids. You can enter up to five vendors. If you know the Vendor ID number, type the number in this field; otherwise, press the PF1 key to access the Vendor Search Facility. If you do not know how to use the Vendor Search Facility, refer to "Finding a Vendor in UPS Using the Vendor Search Facility." If the vendor is not in the Vendor File, press the PF6 (PropV) and type the vendor name and address.

    Note: An asterisk (*) displayed beside a vendor number indicates that the vendor is a minority vendor.

  6. The Freight Amt field is not used on a per-item bid. If freight is quoted, it is entered for each requisition line.
  7. The Days is a required field used to indicate the number of days the vendor quoted for delivery of your items.
  8. The R heading represents the vendor's response to the quote. Press the PF1 key for the following options to select:
    N No Response
    B Bid or Quotation received
    R Responded with a No Bid
    D Disqualified
  9. The Contact field is a required one used to enter the contact's name from the company that quoted on the items and the contact's phone number (in the next field).
  10. Repeat Steps 5 through 9 until all vendors have been entered.
  11. The S heading represents to whom you are suggesting to award the quotation. Type an "X" next to the vendor you suggest receive the award.
  12. Press PF10 to save the header portion of the requisition and quote.
  13. Once you save the header, a requisition number will be displayed in the Req field in the banner.

Step 2: Create the requisition lines (REQL)

Requisition lines can be viewed, added, updated, deleted, and copied (VAUDC).
  1. Input Action A, Req number and line number and press Enter.
  2. Input a description of up to 40 characters in the Desc field. This description can be entered in mixed, upper, or lower case, provided at least one character is in upper case. Press PF9 (EItmD) to enter additional text. Once all the extended item description is entered, press Enter to validate and PF10 to save the extended item description.

    Note: The 40 character description line is used on various list functions. You should get into the habit of using this field as an overall description of the item and of using the PF9 to add the extended item description.

  3. The Vendor Item No is an optional field used to enter a vendor's item number.
  4. The Commodity is a required field used to select the appropriate commodity class item code for the item you are requesting.

    Important: The selection of the appropriate commodity class code also assigns the expenditure code, thus determines the financial accounting. If in doubt on which commodity class code to select, contact the Purchasing Office for assistance.

  5. The Qty field is a required one used to enter the quantity of the item(s) you are requesting.
  6. The UM is a required field used to enter the appropriate unit of measure for the item you are requesting. Press PF1 for a Help facility to list the valid unit of measure codes.

    Note: If you select "$" in the UM field, the receiving required will be by dollar amount rather than quantity. For more information on dollar receiving, refer to the Help topic, "How to Perform Dollar Receiving."

  7. The Unit Price is a required field used to enter the unit price of the item you are requesting.

    Note: The Unit Price you enter on the line must be equal to the Unit Price quoted by the vendor to whom you want to award the bid quotation.

  8. Input the freight amount in the Item Freight field, if the vendor quoted a price for freight.
Screen 2 of REQL (inputting the vendor's quotes for the line item)

Screen 2 of REQL identifies the vendors contacted, their responses, and your suggested award.

  1. The S heading respresents the vendor you have suggested to receive the award. Input an "X" next to the vendor you are suggesting receive the award for this line.
  2. The A heading respresents the vendor to whom Purchasing awards the quote. This field will be blank until Purchasing awards the quote.
  3. The M heading respresents Minority Status. If the vendor is considered a minority vendor, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the vendor name.
  4. The I heading respresents the vendor's response code. The system defaults to blank, assuming that the vendor is quoting as specified, but the field is modifiable. Press PF1 key for the following selections:
    _ as specified
    E Alternate Equivalent was bid
    D Disqualified
    N No Response
    R Responded with a No Bid
  5. Input the Freight for each vendor who quoted freight for this line.
  6. Input the Unit Cost quoted for each vendor who responded.
  7. Press PF10 to save your line.
  8. Repeat these steps for each line item of your requisition and quote.
Once all items have been entered, you may submit the Requisition via TARGET for approval.

Step 3: Submit the requisition for approval (REQT)

TARGET transactions can be viewed, updated, reviewed and withdrawn (VURW).
  1. Input Action S and the Req (requisition number) and press Enter.
  2. You can modify the Construction Cd, if necessary.
  3. Select each line and press PF4 (DCode) to view the cost center distribution for each line.
  4. Select each cost center and press PF12 (CCC) to display the total for each Category you entered.
  5. The proposed status of the requistion indicates whether or not the requistion qualifies as an auto PO upon final approval. Requisition statuses are defined as follows:
    P In Process
    S Submitted for Approval
    A Approved by Management
    R Re-submitted for additional approval (i.e. SS, etc)
    G Awaiting Generation of a completed Auto PO
    H Awaiting Generation of an In Process PO
    C Completed, all necessary and possible POs have been generated
    X Cancelled
  6. Once you are satisfied that the requisition is correct, press PF10 to submit it for approval via TARGET.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH, REQL, and REQT functions, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find Out What Buyer ID Has Been Assigned to Your Requisition

Buyers are assigned by budgetary unit. Once you have created and saved a requisition header (REQH), you can go back and view the header to see what buyer has been tentatively assigned to the requisition.

Step by Step Process

  1. View the Buyer ID on a requisition (REQH).
  2. Input Action V and Req number and press Enter.
  3. The requisition header will be displayed. At this point press the PF4 key (DCode). A window will be displayed which will display the Buyer assigned to the requisition. This ID represents who will initially receive the requisition for processing. Once you have created your lines and submitted your requisition, if the requisition qualifies as an auto PO, the Buyer originally assigned will change to "NO BUYER" upon final approval of the transaction. Also, once requisitions are displayed on a buyer's list, the requisition may be routed to another buyer for review and action.

Related Topics

For further information on the REQH (Requisition Header) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to View a Buyer's In Box

Requisitions that did not qualify as auto POs will be displayed on a buyer's list upon final approval of the TARGET transaction (REQT). This list is LRBS (List Requisitions for a Buyer and Status).

Note: A buyer can only act on requisitions that have a Status of A.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Buyer ID and Status A and press Enter.

    Note: The system will default your ID in the Buyer ID field. At this point you must change it to the Buyer ID in which you are interested.

  2. By pressing the PF1 key while in the Buyer ID field, a window will be displayed in which you can type the last name of the person you are looking for and press Enter.
  3. Select the name and press Enter. Any requisitions with a Status of A available for the Buyer ID listed will be displayed. Requisitions are listed in order of Commitment Date. The Commitment Date is the date when final approval was reached via TARGET.
  4. By simply changing the Buyer ID in the banner, you can view all in boxes.

Related Topics

For further information on the LRBS (List Requistions for a Buyer and Status) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find the Purchase Order Number(s) Issued for a Requisition

When a requisition is processed, a purchase order is issued. Depending on the requisition, multiple purchase orders may be issued from a single requisition. The LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) facility provides you with a list of the PO number(s) issued for your requisition.

Step by Step Process

  1. Input the Req number and press Enter .
  2. If a PO has been issued for the requisition the PO number will be displayed along with the following:

Note: You should pay special attention to the PO header Status when viewing records on this list. Purchase order statuses are defined as:

P In Process (PO has not been opened by Purchasing yet)
O Open (invoice activity can take place against this order)
C Closed (all invoicing activity has taken place and this order is closed)
X Canceled (no invoice activity may take place)

Related Topics

For further information on the LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Find Purchase Orders Utilizing PO List Facilities

Several list facilities are available to find purchase orders that have been created from your requisition. Below is a breakdown of the various list facilities and the information available on each one.

Step by Step Process - LLPO

  1. Input the PO number in the banner area, and press Enter. The lines of the purchase order will be displayed along with some purchase order header information.
  2. If additional lines are associated with the order, the PF8 (Forwd) key will be available.
  3. To view any extended item description that may be associated with a purchase order line, select the line and press the PF9 (EItmD) key.

Step by Step Process - LPOS

  1. Input the Status, BU, and Date and press Enter. The system displays any purchase orders for the criteria you specified in the banner.

Step by Step Process - LPOV

  1. Input the Vendor and the Date (Defaults to current date, but is modifiable) and press Enter. A list of purchase orders will be displayed from the information you entered in the banner.

Step by Step Process - LOPC

  1. Input the CCCand insure that you have the current date in the Enc Date field. You can also narrow the list by putting in a Dept. Acct Category If you want to see everything though, regardless of the category, leave this field blank.
  2. Press Enter A list of purchase orders with open lines will be displayed.

Related Topics

For further information on the LPOR, LLPO, LPOV, LPOS, and LOPC functions, please refer to the appropriate segments of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Close/Cancel a Purchase Order Line (Change Order)

The POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) function is used to notify Purchasing and/or the vendor that an item or service on an outstanding purchase order line is no longer required. This process is known as closing or cancelling a purchase order line. A change order is created upon a buyer's discretion and may be issued to the vendor.

This process is also used in the event you have quantities or dollar amounts remaining on a purchase order line after shipment or services have been rendered and paid for.

Note: The following types of POs cannot be closed or cancelled via the POIT function:

Step by Step Process

How to close/cancel a dollar ($) unit of measure purchase order line

  1. Input an Actionthe PO and line number and press Enter.

    Note: If more than one purchase order line requires modification, access the function LLPO (List Lines for a Purchase Order) to select each line, then type "POIT" in the banner and press PF2 (Suspd).

  2. Determine if there has been any receiving or invoicing activity on the purchase order line. This is determined by the balances shown in the Received Qty/Amt and Invoiced Qty/Amt fields. If there has been no receiving or invoicing activity, proceed to step 3. If there has been receiving or invoicing activity proceed to step 4.
  3. If no items have been received or invoiced to date on the purchase order line, lower the Unit Price to zero (0) and proceed to step 5.
  4. If a partial amount has been received or invoiced to date on the purchase order line, lower the Unit Price to the dollar amount you have received or have been invoiced to date. If the received/invoiced/expensed is EQUAL and EQUAL TO or GREATER than the extended amount of the line; (Exception: If use tax was paid, the invoiced and expensed amount will be equal, but less than the received amount); tab to the Status and change to an C Proceed to step 5.

    Note: There are specific validations in the system that will not allow you to lower the Qty or Unit Price to less than what has been invoiced and/or received.

    If there is an invoice entry pending in the system and you are trying to modify your PO line to less than the Invoiced Qty/Amt, the system will not allow this modification until the invoice line is either deleted or modified. (You must call Accounts Payable to have the invoice line deleted or modified.)

    If there is a receiving entry pending in the system and you are trying to modify your PO line to less than the Received Qty/Amt the system will not allow this modification until you either update or delete the receiving entry.

  5. Press PF11 (CComm) to enter a reason for closing/cancelling each PO line. Purchasing needs your comment to document the purpose of the change order.
  6. Press PF10 (Save) to submit the change order to Purchasing for approval.

    The POIT transaction will be routed to the buyer assigned to the purchase order. Upon final approval of the POIT transaction, the encumbrance for each line will be adjusted in DART.

How to close/cancel a quantity unit of measure purchase order line.

  1. Input an Action U, the PO number and line number, and press Enter.
  2. Determine if there has been any receiving or invoicing activity on the purchase order line. This is determined by the balances shown in the Received Qty/Amt and Invoiced Qty/Amt fields. If there has been no receiving or invoicing activity, proceed to step 3. If there has been receiving or invoicing activity, proceed to step 4.
  3. If no items have been received or invoiced to date on the purchase order line, lower the Qty to zero (0) and proceed to step 5.
  4. If a partial amount has been received or invoiced to date on the purchase order line, lower the Qty to the quantity you have received or have been invoiced to date.

    Note: If the PO line did not require receiving there will not be a qty in the received amt field.

    Note: There are specific validations in the system that will not allow you to lower the Qty to less than the quantity that has been invoiced and/or received.

    If there is an invoice entry pending in the system and you are trying to modify your PO line to less than the Invoiced Qty/Amt, the system will not allow this modification until the invoice line is either deleted or modified. (You must call Accounts Payable to have the invoice line deleted or modified.)

    If there is a receiving entry pending in the system and you are trying to modify your PO line to less than the Received Qty/Amt, the system will not allow this modification until you either update or delete the receiving entry.

  5. Press PF11 (CComm) to enter a reason for closing/cancelling each PO line. Purchasing needs your comment to document the purpose of the change order.
  6. Press PF10 (Save) to submit the change order to Purchasing for approval.

    The POIT transaction will be routed to the buyer assigned to the purchase order. Upon final approval of the POIT transaction, the encumbrance for each line will be adjusted in DART.

Related Topics

For further information on the POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Reopen a Purchase Order Line

At times, you may need to re-open a PO line that has already been closed or canceled. (Example: You ordered ten (10) printers and received five (5). You did not think you were going to receive the other five (5) so you processed a change order to lower the quantity to five (5), closing the line. Three days later, the others arrive.)

You re-open the PO line using POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) so that you can perform your receiving and so that an invoice may be paid against that PO line.

Step by Step Process

PO lines may viewed and updated (VU).
  1. Input an Action A, the PO number and line number and press Enter.
  2. If the purchase order line was set up for quantity receiving, simply increase the quantity by the amount you want to receive.
  3. If the purchase order line was set up for dollar receiving, simply increase the Unit Price by the amount you want to receive.
  4. If you only want to reopen the line (Not increase the amount) simply change the Status to an O.
  5. Press PF11 (CComm) to enter a reason for reopening the PO line.
  6. Press PF10 to save the comment.
  7. Press enter to validate and then PF10 to submit the transaction.
  8. If the action you took results in an increase to the extended amount of the line, the txn will route to the appropriate CC managers with the buyer assigned to the PO as final approver.
  9. If only opening the line without an increase to the extended amount of the line, the txn will only route to the buyer assigned to the PO.

Related Topics

For further information on the POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Modify Your Purchase Order to Allow for Freight

For freight to be paid on an invoice, at least $1.00 must be entered in the Item Freight field on the purchase order. In those instances when you may have forgotten or decided later to allow for freight to be paid, you will access the POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) function to add Item Freight to a purchase order line.

If you want to distribute the freight amount to various lines of the purchase order, you must modify and add freight to each line; otherwise, you can add it to one line.

Step by Step Process

PO lines can be viewed and updated. (VU)
  1. Input an Action U, the PO number and line number and press Enter.
  2. In the Item Freight field, input the estimated amount of freight you are going to pay.
  3. Press PF11 (CComm) to enter a reason for adding the freight.
  4. Press PF10 to save the comment.
  5. Press enter to validate and then PF10 to submit the transaction for appropriate CC manager and Purchasing approval.
  6. Press PF10 to submit the purchase order line transaction via TARGET for Purchasing approval.

Related Topics

For further information on the POIT (Purchase Order Item change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Change Cost Center Distribution on a Line Once a PO Has Been Issued

Cost Center Distribution takes place at the line level. Sometimes, you may need to modify the cost center distribution on a PO line after the PO has been issued. The PODT (Purchase Order Distribution change TARGET) function allows you to modify cost centers, distributions, and categories for a line within certain parameters.

Step by Step Process

PO lines may be viewed and updated (VU).
  1. Input ActionPO number and line number and press Enter.

    Note: If the PO line has not been expensed against, you may remove a cost center and/or replace it with another one.

    If you wish to add additional categories to a cost center you may do so, not to exceed five unique categories for a particular cost center.

    If a cost center has been expensed against, the cost center may not be removed. However, the distribution may be lowered to the expensed amount used for that line.

    If the PO is a blanket order and the cost center is no longer valid, you may lower the % distribution to zero (0) and add a new cost center.

    You may add a cost center that was not originally on the requisition header as long as the total number of cost centers does not exceed ten (10).

    If the PO line was setup to perform $ receiving and expensing has occurred, a TWO STEP PROCESS may be required. You must insure that the UNIT PRICE is EQUAL to or GREATER than the higher of Rec/Inv/Exp amount. A POIT txn will be required if it is not. Once the POIT txn is approved you will go to PODT to change the CC.

  2. Five (5) cost centers are displayed on the screen. If the PO line you are modifying includes any additional cost centers, you may access them by pressing the PF12 key.
  3. Once you have made your cost center modifications, press Enter to validate. The previous values will be displayed below the proposed changes.
  4. Press PF10 to submit your PO line distribution change via TARGET to the cost center managers responsible for the cost centers you are proposing.
  5. Repeat the above steps for all lines of a purchase order which require modification.

TARGET Routing

Only those cost centers raised as a result of a modification will be routed to cost center managers for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the new cost center distribution will be displayed.

Related Topics

For further information on the PODT (Purchase Order Distribution change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Increase/Decrease the PO Max on a Purchase Order

You may increase the PO Maxon a purchase order when an invoice exceeds the amount allowable by using the POHT (Purchase Order Header change TARGET) function. You may also lower the PO Max on a purchase order, if you discover the tolerance amount was greater than you intended, provided the new amount is not lower than the PO amount (plus freight).

Step by Step Process

The PO header may be viewed and updated (VU).
  1. Input an Action U and the PO number and press Enter.
  2. Update the PO Max to the new amount and press Enter to validate. The previous value will be displayed.

    Note: The new amount cannot be lower than the PO amount (plus freight).

  3. Press PF10 to submit the transaction via TARGET for approval. Upon final approval of the transaction, the PO Max is modified to show the new amount.

TARGET Routing

If the PO Max is lowered, the transaction is only routed to the Purchasing Office for approval.

If the PO Max is increased, the transaction is routed to the cost center managers for all cost centers listed in the header. Purchasing is the final reviewer.

Related Topics

For further information on the POHT (Purchase Order Header change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Modify the Purchase Order Expiration Date on a Blanket PO

You may sometimes have to modify the PO expiration date on a blanket PO. (Example: A research grant has been renewed and the original expiration date of the grant has been extended.) The POHT (Purchase Order Header change TARGET) function allows you to modify the PO expiration date.

Step by Step Process

The PO header may be viewed and updated (VU).
  1. Input "POHT" in the Command field and press Enter.
  2. Input Action U, and the PO number, and press Enter.
  3. Modify the PO Expiration Date to the new date and press Enter to validate. The previous value will be displayed.
  4. Press PF10 to submit the transaction directly to the Purchasing Office for approval. Upon approval by Purchasing, the PO Expiration Dt is modified to display the new date.

Related Topics

For further information on the POHT (Purchase Order Header change TARGET) function, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

How to Process a UPAY (Direct Payment)

The University PAYment (UPAY) function is used to create and review direct payment transactions. Direct payments are defined as those payments that do not require a purchase order.

Step by Step Process

  1. Enter UPAY in the banner using Action A. Press Enter.
  2. The following fields are entry fields
  3. Invoice No. Not a required entry field unless a CCI is selected which requires an invoice number to be entered. Will default to the AP ID upon final approval of the txn.
  4. Date Received The date services are performed or due to be performed.
  5. Invoice Date
  6. Press PF1 to search for vendor name. If correct vendor name or address is not found, press PF6 to propose the vendor, or new name or address.
  7. Invoice Amount
  8. Payment Due Date The date the check is needed and cannot be before the current date. Also cannot be prior to the Date Received.
  9. Supporting documentation (defaults to an 'N', otherwise the CCI selected will require change to 'Y'.
  10. Reference ID This is an optional field for departmental tracking use.
  11. MOF
  12. Construction Cd Will default to an 'N'.
  13. CCN Press PF12 to enter up to 10 CCN, %, amount, category and project.(optional)
  14. CCI Press PF1 for keyword search.
  15. Payment Handling Code Press PF1 for list of codes available.
  16. Remittance
  17. BU Will default to BU of the user, but is modifiable.
  18. Press PF10 to save the record. The AP ID will be assigned by the system. You must write this number on the supporting documentation that is to be forwarded to Business Affairs, ADMN 321.

Copying an existing UPAY Record

A UPAY may be copied from an existing UPAY to another which results in an Action A (add) after pressing PF10.

Step by Step Process

  1. Be sure you know the AP ID of the UPAY to which you want to copy.
  2. Input Action V, in order to view the UPAY to copy. and press Enter.
  3. Once the UPAY that you want to copy is displayed on the screen, go back to the banner area of the screen and change the Action to C and press Enter.
  4. At this point, all fields are modifiable.
  5. Press PF10 to save the new UPAY.

Related Topics

For further information on UPAY, please refer to the appropriate segment of the "Command Reference" section of this manual.

Command Reference: Online Functions

The functions and lists associated with the UPS (University Procurement System) application in creating requistions, PO supplements, and using various list facilities are defined below. text within the on-line system.

Purchasing/Requisition Functions and Lists

REQH - Requisition Header

Figure 5 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the REQH function.

Figure 5. Data Entry Screen - REQH

    R001047 displayed; press PF8 for next screen or enter new keys
   Banner key set with first selected entry                  REQH 12/20/96 09:58
  Command:       Action: V Req: R001047 :       PO:         :        TA:
  Req Type: RE Contract:                 :                  Bid:         :
 Action: V Requisition No: R001047 Type: RE (Regular)                   Screen 1
 Contract No:                                            Status: A      Approved
 Advance PO No:
 ------ CCC ------- ------------- CCC Name ------------------   %  Category  Pr
  0113 11053-24-1368                                            100 MAINT
  Estimated Req Amt:         50.00  Est Freight:     50.00     Tolerance:  10  %
  Requestor: Donna Carter         Telephone: 8414              Ship To: AVCB-003
  Handling Codes:         Hold for:                            Bill To: AVCB-002
  Vendor ID: 101299-01-001     Basketball International
 PO Effective Date:                              PO Expiration Date:
 Expected PO Close Date:                         Construction Cd: N  MOF:
 Delivery Cd:      Date:                         Univ Logo Item:  N
 Reference ID:                                   Supporting Doc:  N
 Customer ID No:                     Sales Tax ID:            TYPE:
 Dept Rep ID: DONNAC                         BU: MKTT        MARKETING/TRANSPORT
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR
Figure 6 is an example of the screen presented when you press the PF4 decode on Screen 1 while in the REQH function.

Figure 6. Decode Window - REQH

 Buyer: GWSMITH  Greg W. Smith
 Vendor Addr:    Westlake Hardware
                 2301 W. 6th Street
 City: Fayetteville              State: AR Zip: 72701
 Ship To:        Agronomy Dept
                 Altheimer Lab
                 276 Atheimer Dr
 City: Fayetteville              State: AR Zip: 72701
 Bill To: ATTN: Accounts Payable Division
The PF4 (Decode) key may be used during this display to retrieve the buyer assigned to the requisition, vendor address, ship-to address, bill-to address, and decoding of handling codes. Once a requisition has been approved by all cost center managers and has a Status of A (approved), the Commitment Date will also display. The user ID of the person cancelling a requisition will be displayed here along with the date the cancellation was made.

The following sections describe the REQH (REQuisition Header) function.

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


Requisitions are defined as a request for the purchase of goods or services. The REQH (REQuisition Header) function provides the facilities for creating the header portion of the requisition. This includes all information associated with a requisition with the exception of line item information. Once the requisition header has been created and saved, the user will access the function REQL (REQuisition Line) to create the requisition line items. Once the header and line information has been created and saved, the user will access the function REQT (REQuisition TARGET processing) to submit the requisition for approval.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add (A}
Update {U}
Delete {D}
Copy {C}


Vendor validations

Cost center/category validations

Telephone quote (Req Type: TQ) validations

Personal reimbursement (Req Type: PR) validations

Purchase from contract (Req Type: PC) validations

Blanket order (Req Type: BL) validations

Advance PO validations

Date validations

Deletion validations

Update validations

Miscellaneous validations


Requisition types of TQ, PR, PC, BL and SA will not default $50.00 in the Freight Amt field on Screen 1.

If the Req Type is TQ, PC, PR or SA, the Tolerance will default to blank.

Text entered by Purchasing from PURH will be available for viewing from REQH via the PF9 (Text) key.

Add Process

When creating a requisition, a six (6) digit requisition number will be assigned by the system when the requisition header is saved. The number will be displayed with an R in front of it. (Example: R600001).

The user will be required to select the appropriate Req Type being created. The Vendor field is an optional field for entry with the exception of requsition types TQ, PR, BL, and SS. When creating the requisition header for Req Type TQ, the vendor field is left blank since all vendors from whom quotes are obtained are entered on Screen 2. A vendor is optional for Req Type BR; when Purchasing creates the purchase order the awarded vendor will be displayed on the PO.

The Freight Amount field enables estimated freight for a purchase request to be distributed across the lines of the requisition as they are entered to establish an estimated commitment per line for freight. Entry of an estimated requisition amount is also required in order to make this cost distribution. For a Req Type of TQ, this field becomes the actual freight amount quoted for the department's suggested award for an all or none bid.

The Requisition Amount field is the estimated amount of the total requisition entered prior to entry of the individual lines and the calculation of the actual amounts. This value is used to proportionately distribute the estimated freight across the lines of the requisition as they are entered.

Note: In order to distribute estimated freight, an estimated Requisition Amount must also be entered. (A specific freight amount may also be entered for a line.) For a Req Type of TQ, this field becomes the actual requisition amount for ALL extended prices of lines that have a suggested award code.

The Buyer ID is assigned when REQH is saved.

Update Process

The requisition header may be updated as long as it has a Status of in process. Once the requisition has been submitted, the Status is changed to pending approval, so it must be withdrawn or rejected if there is a problem in order to reset the Status back to in process.

Once the requisition has been approved by all the cost center managers (the requisition header has a Status of approved), the only field that may be updated is the Tolerance, which is maintained using the REQT function. This process will mainly be used when a Req Type of BR has been selected and the bids are higher than the Requisition Amount and Tolerance.

If the Req Type requires modification, the requisition must be deleted and started over due to the fact that the data requirements vary extensively for different requisition types.

Once the requisition has been submitted, it must be withdrawn or rejected if there is a problem. Both rejected and withdrawn requisitions result in a Status of in process and can be updated and re-submitted.

Delete Process

A requisition header may be deleted as long as it has a Status of in process and no lines have been created. Once lines have been created, the lines must be deleted before the header can be deleted.

Copy (Use displayed information as a model to create another entry)

A new requisition header may be created by copying all information from another requisition header screen, with the exception of the adancev PO information. This results in an Action A. No extended text associated with the requisition will be copied. The entry can then be modified as needed before saving it as a new requisition header.

Note: When utilizing the copy action, the Req Type is NOT modifiable; you can only copy a header using the same requisition type.

Auto PO Processing

Upon final approval, those requisitions that meet the following criteria will result in issuance of an Auto PO, which means the requisition will not be subject to a review by the Purchasing Office. Post Audits will be conducted to insure compliance with Purchasing regulations and State laws. Criteria for Auto PO are:

Purchase orders which are automatically created by this process will be assigned the state mandated purchase codes of SO, MO, EL, or ML, with the exception of the requisition type of PC. PC requisition types will have the purchase code of ST and the contract number for those types that have the ST and contract number. Those contracts that are UA will have a purchase code of AT. These codes are determined by the minority status of the vendor and by an exempt status of all commodities requested for purchase.

Cost Center Distribution

Note: The following section is to support multiple cost center distributions. If you are only using one (1) cost center please disregard this section and the PF12 window.

Cost Center distribution will actually take place at the line level. All cost centers to be used on the lines should be put on the header to be used as a template on the lines. If you are going to be distributing by percentage, you can show percentages at the header, but if you are using dollar distribution, you must enter the dollar amounts when you create each line.

If using percentage it must total 100%. When the lines of the requisition are created, whatever cost centers that were placed on the header will be displayed on each line you create. At this point, you will have the option of leaving the cost center distribution as is, or modifying it. You are able to remove cost centers from a line, modify the percentage, or add dollar distributions. No company cost center may be added to the line that has not been specified in the header.

Figure 7is an example of the screen presented when the PF12 key is pressed to add additional company cost center numbers.

Figure 7. Data Entry Screen - Additional Cost Centers

--CCC No------------------------Name----------------------------%--Category--PR-

Each line item may be distributed among ten (10) cost centers; a single requisition may not have costs distributed to more than ten (10) unique cost center numbers.

Tolerance %

The Tolerance % is the percentage by which the payment may exceed the total requisition amount. The system will default to 10% for most requisition types, but this field is modifiable.

Requisition types of TQ, PR, and PC will not default 10%. In most cases these types, due to applicable purchasing regulations, will not allow for a Tolerance. Purchasing may impose a lower Tolerance in the instance of a bid, when the item quoted is a firm price, or to ensure that thresholds which dictate applicable purchasing regulations are not exceeded.

Use of the Tolerance % can eliminate the need to supplement (update) the purchase order in most cases.


Three types of text are associated with a requisition header. One is entered by the department and is printed on the purchase order (before any lines). Another is entered by the department for communicating special instructions or additional information to Purchasing. A third is used by Purchasing to make notes related to handling of the requisition. All are available for entry or viewing by pressing the PF9 key (Text).

Figure 8 is an example of the screen presented when the key is pressed.

Figure 8. Extended Text Screen

 Select desired option
 _ BU's text to be printed on PO
 _ BU's comments to Purchasing
 _ Purchasing's comments

Date fields on requisition header

PO Effective Date is an optional field to be used in those instances when it is requested that a purchase order be effective on a certain date. It may be a future date to accommodate agreements with vendors regarding the earliest delivery date, or to request orders be effective in the following fiscal year. If the field is left blank, the purchase order will become effective on the date issued.

The PO Expiration Date is the date after which a blanket purchase order is no longer effective. This field is only required if the type on the requisition is BL (Blanket).

The Expected PO Close Date is the date by which a purchase order should be closed and all receiving and invoicing activity should be completed. This date is used to identify orders which remain open longer than anticipated. This value is optional when a requisition is created. If not specified, the system will default a value on the purchase order of 30 days after the PO Effective date.

Department telephone quotations

Figure 9 is an example of the screen presented when you press PF8 (NextS) while in the REQH function. This screen is only available when creating a requisition with a Req Type of TQ.

Figure 9. Data Entry Screen (Screen 2 - REQH)

 Please enter new key fields
  UPOREQH 1 DEMO             REQuisition Header - REQH            05/12/97 11:00
  Command:       Action: V Req: R002387 :       PO: 6002117 : 1      TA:
  Req Type: TQ  Contract:                 : 1                Bid:         :
 Action: V Requisition No: R002387 Type: TQ (Telephone Quote)           Screen 2
 Certifier: Drk                                         Date Cert:    04/14/1997
 FOB Point: D Destination   Per Item Award (Y or N): N  Requisition Status:    C
                                                             Total Delivered
  M - Vendor ID - ------ Vendors Contacted ------  Freight      Price / Days R S
    100199-01-001 GAPSEMC                         500.00        5,500.00 10  B *
  Contact: Greg                 501/575-8989
    101499-01-001 Happy Medium Inc.               550.00        6,050.00 10  B
  Contact: Harry                501/575-3434
    101224-01-001 Imaging Spectrum                550.00        6,050.00 10  B
  Contact: Indigo               501/575-5454
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextR Text
Screen 2 of (REQH) provides the facilities for creating the vendor information when a requisition type of TQ is selected. You are able to enter up to 5 (five) contacted vendors. The last field (Number 6) will be used by Purchasing to obtain a sixth (6) quote if deemed necessary. If the telephone quote is going to be awarded on a per-item basis, this will be indicated by marking the Per Item Award field with a Y.

The user will be required to select the suggested award in the S column to the right if awarding on an all or none basis prior to creating the first line of the requisition. A response code (in the R column) is also required for each vendor contacted reqardless of whether the quote is awarded all or none or per item.

Under the M heading, an asterisk (*) is displayed beside any Vendor ID, designating that this is a minority vendor.

Vendor Response Codes

When entering bid quotation information, you will be required to enter a vendor response code (in the R column) for each vendor contacted for a bid quote. Response codes are defined as follows:
N No Response
B Bid or Qotation Received
R Responded with no bid or quotation
D Disqualified

Figure 10 is an example of the screen presented when you press the PF4 decode while cursor is in the vendor field on Screen 2 of the REQH function.

Figure 10. Decode Screen - Screen 2 of REQH

 Please enter new key fields
   Decoding stopped with PF-Key                              REQH 12/20/96 10:01
  Command:       Action: V Req: R000794 :       PO:         :        TA:
  Req Type: TQ  Contract:                 :                  Bid: B000144 :
 Acti +---------------------------------------------------------+
 Cert | Press ENTER to continue                                 |
 FOB  |                                                         |
      |  Buyer: DONNAC                                          |
  M - |                                                         |
    1 |  Vendor Name: Computer Cabling of GA Inc.               |
  Con |  Vendor Addr: 1500 Wilson Way                           |
    1 |                                                         |
  Con |                                                         |
    1 |  City: Smyrna                    State: GA Zip: 30082   |
  Con |                                                         |
    1 +---------------------------------------------------------+
  Contact: Donna                501/575-8414
  * 101200-01-001 DeVore Housebuilding            10.00           910.00 10  P
  Contact: Donna                501/393-9393
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextR

State and University Contracts

Many of the University and State term contracts are maintained on-line for selection of items for purchase. These may be accessed by selecting the appropriate contract in the banner. The contract number and vendor for the contract will be displayed. By pressing PF1 while cursor is in the Contract field in the banner, a keyword search is available for selection of the appropriate contract. Figure 11 is an example of the screen presented when you press the PF1 (Help) while cursor is in the Contract No field.

Figure 11. Contract Help Search Facility on REQH

 Contract Number is required for Purchase from Contract
  UPOREQH 1 DEMO             REQuisition Header - REQH            12/20/96 10:02
   +-------------------------  Contract Item Keyword ---------------  More:    +
   |  Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keyword               |
 - |    Keyword             Description   Contract #    Unit Price Unit Status |
 A |    PAPER                           ST960506                               |
 C |    1    6" x 8" complete prinred insert                    .90 EA     A   |
 A |                                                                           |
 - |                                                                           |
   |    PAPER                           ST960506                               |
   |    2    7' x 9" complete printed insert                    .90 EA     A   |
   |                                                                           |
   |                                                                           |
   |    PAPER                           ST960506                               |
   |    3    8.5" x 11 complete printed insert                  .90 EA     A   |
 = |                                                                           |
 P |                                                                           |
 E |    PAPER                           ST960506                               |
 D |    4    8.5" x 11 blank insert                             .45 EA     A   |
 R |                                                                           |
 C |                       Lines 1     through 4                               |
 D |   PF3=Quit              PF8=Forwd        Keyword: PAPER                   |
You may press PF8 to move to Screen 2 to view the vendors contacted on a department telephone quote.

REQL - Requisition Line

Figure 12 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the REQL function.

Figure 12. Data Entry Screen - REQL

 Press PF8 to view next screen or enter new keys
  UPOREQL 1 DEMO              REQuisition Line - REQL             05/12/97 11:02
  Command:       Action: V  Req: R002389 : 1    PO: 6002117 : 1    TA:
                   Contract:                 : 1          Bid:         :
   Action: V   Requisition No: R002389 : 1                           Screen 1
 Req Type: RE (Regular)                                Status: O            Open
                                                       Tolerance:          10  %
 Desc: Filing Cabinet                           Vendor Item No: HON-01234
 Commodity: 42540                                      Contract:
                                                       Contract Line No:
                                                       Tax Code:
 Vendor Name:                                          Est Freight:         1.00
                                                       Advance PO:
 Qty: 1.000     UM: EA  Unit Price:         250.00000  Extension:         250.00
                                                       Item Freight:        0.50
                                                       Item Tax:           16.25
 ----- CCC No ------ ---------- Name ------------  %     -  Amount - Category Pr
  0113 11052-99-0000                              100                maint
 Item Keywords:                                  Dept Stock No:
 Packed Quantity:     Created on: 04/14/1997 by: DKEITH
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR EItmD

The following sections describe the Requisition Line function.

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"


The REQL (REQuisition Line) function provides the facilities for creating the line portion of the requisition. This includes all line information associated with a requisition. Line numbers are created by the user and do not have to be sequential. Once the line information has been created and saved, the user will access the function REQT (REQuisition TARGET) to submit the requisition for approval.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Add {A}
Copy {C}
Update {U}
Delete {D}


Add validations

Update validations

Delete validations

Contract validations

Cost center/category validations

Blanket order (Req Type: BL) validations

Telephone quotation (Req Type: TQ) validations

Personal reimbursement (Req Type: PR) validations

Miscellaneous validations


Add process (create a requisition line)

When creating a requisition line the user will specify the requisition number and the line number of the item being added. The line number is displayed next to the Req number, after the colon. (Example: R600001 : 1).

The following items will be displayed from the requisition header (REQH) function:

The user will enter or modify data for the fields as follows:

  1. The Description field is a 40 character field that is used to provide the primary description of an item on a requisition, bid request, or purchase order. For those line items that require more than a 40 character description, the user will press the PF9 key (EItmD) to select the extended item description text. This window will allow the entry of extended item description text for the item. This additional information will then be printed on the purchase order or used in bid solicitations.
  2. The Vendor Item No is the vendor's number which identifies the item being purchased.
  3. The Commodity class item code is used to identify the commodity requested on a specific line. Once the screen is validated by the user, the commodity class description will be displayed.

    Keyword search for commodity class code

    Figure 13 is an example of the window displayed when the PF1 key is pressed while the cursor is in the Commodity field.

    Figure 13. Keyword Search for Commodity Class Code

                            Commodity Class/Item Keyword
      User should start the keyword search with specific keywords. If the
      class/item is not found, then enter more general keywords.
      CLASS/ITEM Keywords are system maintained keywords parsed automatically
      from the CLASS-ITEM-DESC.  Words considered insignificant
      eg. (of, an, the, ...) are removed and not used.  These keywords are
      converted, stored in upper case and used as search criteria in locating
      specfic commodity class items.  The list is built from the first
      keywords parsed from the description, up to the maximum allowed.
           PF3=Quit                  Starting Keyword: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
      Please enter a starting value and press ENTER
  4. If the user specified an estimated freight amount at the requisition header (REQH), an Item Freight amount is prorated and will be displayed for the line once the line is validated. This amount is modifiable by the user.
  5. An Item Tax amount of 6.5% will be calculated and displayed by the system, if the item is taxable. This amount is modifiable by the user.
  6. When there is an expenditure code in the second occurance of a commodity class and the total amount of the requisition line (including freight and tax) is equal to or greater than $500, the second occurance is used.

Delete process (delete existing requisition line)

A deleted line will not require renumbering of remaining lines since line numbers do not have to be sequentially assigned.

Copy process (use displayed information as a model to create or modify another entry)

A new requisition line may be created by copying all information from a screen which results in an Action A after pressing PF10. This feature will also copy any extended item description associated with the line. The entry can then be modified as needed before saving it as a new requisition line.

The user must be careful in knowing whether the line is being copied to add to the current requisition number or whether it is to be added to a different requisition. If it is to be added to a different requisition, the requisition number must be changed in the banner prior to saving the line.

Cost center distribution

Cost center distribution will take place at the line level. As the lines of the requisition are created, whatever cost centers were placed on the requisition header will be defaulted to each line created. At this point, you will have the option of leaving the cost center distribution as is, or modifying it. You can remove cost centers from a line, modify the percentage, or add dollar distributions. No company cost center may be added to the line that has not been specified in the requisition header. If percentage distribution is used, the total percentage for the line must equal 100%. If dollar distribution is used, the last cost center listed at payment time, will be charged the remainder of an invoice amount.

Figure 14 is an example of the screen presented when the PF12 key is pressed to access additional cost centers that were listed at the header (REQH).

Figure 14. Data Entry Screen - Additional Cost Center Distribution

--CCC No--------------Name------------------------%-----Amount-----Category-PR
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX
 9999-99999-99-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 999 99,999,999.99 XXXXXXXX XX

Telephone Quotations

Figure 15 is an example of the screen presented when you press PF8 (NextS) while in the REQL function. This screen is only available if the user specified a Req Type of TQ on the REQuisition Header (REQH).

Figure 15. Data Entry Screen - Telephone Quote - REQL

 Please enter new key fields
  UPOREQL 1 DEMO              REQuisition Line - REQL             05/12/97 11:09
  Command:       Action: V  Req: R002387 : 1     PO: 6002117 : 1    TA:
                 Contract:                  1     Bid:
   Action: V  Requisition No: R002387 : 1                             Screen 2
 Award: All or None                              Quote Status: P    (In Process)
 CCI: 49081                                                                  EA
 Desc: Gas Spectrometer                       Qty:     1 Price:      5,000.00000
  S A M I -------  Vendor Name  -------- Freight     Unit Cost      Total Cost
  * *     GAPSEMC                                     5,000.00000       5,000.00
          Happy Medium Inc.                           5,500.00000       5,500.00
          Imaging Spectrum                            5,500.00000       5,500.00
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode             PrevS NextR EItmD

If the bid award was made on a per-item basis, the freight cost associated with the item will be placed in the Freight field for each vendor contacted, if applicable.

The user will indicate the vendor suggested to be awarded the item by marking the S (suggested award) code. If the bid was awarded on an all or none basis, the user will have specified the suggested award while at the header; therefore, the system will display the code at the line.

The codes shown with the SAMI heading on Screen 2 are defined as follows:

S Suggested Award
A Awarded Vendor (Purchasing designates)
M Minority Vendor
I Vendor's item response of the following values:
_ as specified
E alternate Equivalent
D item Disqualifed
N No Response
R Responded with a No Bid.

All telephone quotes must include the vendor's freight charge if the vendor quoted a separate cost for freight. If the vendor says that freight is included with the cost of the item, then no freight cost is to be shown. No freight will be paid unless it has been explicitly identified by one of the following methods.

Optional departmental data

The following optional fields are available for departmental use in tracking requisitions.

Requisition line status

The Req Line Status is located in the top right hand corner of the REQL Screen. At any point, if the user is viewing a line associated with a requisition, the requisition line will have one of the following statuses:

O Open line which has not been pulled into a PO
P Item line which has been pulled into a PO
X An item line which has been canceled and will not be pulled into a PO.

REQT - REQuisition TARGET Processing

Figure 16 is an example of the screen presented during the review of the REQT function.

Figure 16. Reviewer Screen - REQT

 Please enter new key fields
  UPOREQT 1 DEMO       REQuisition Target Processing - REQT       05/12/97 11:12
  Command:       Action: V  Req: R002389 : 1     PO: 6002117 : 1   TA:
 Action: V Req #:  R002389 : 1    Req Type: RE     Status: A A          Approved
 Requestor: Drk                   Tolerance: 10  % Req Amount:            500.00
 Telephone: 5317                             10    Freight Amount:          1.00
 Vendor: 101522-01-001                             Tax Amount:             32.50
         M & F Office Supply Company               Total Amount:          533.50
 ---- CCC Number ---   ------------- CCC Name -----------------      CCC Amount
  0113 11052-99-0000                                                      533.50
 Adv PO #:                     Hold Check for:
 PO Effective Date: 07/01/1997 Expiration Date:            Const: N  MOF:
 Dept Rep ID: DKEITH                            BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN
 ==================   1 through   2 of   2 Line Items   ========================
   Line# ---------   Description  ------------  Quantity  Unit Price   Extension
      1 Filing Cabinet                             1.000      250.00      250.00
      2 Side Desk                                  1.000      250.00      250.00
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode                   NextR                   CCC
Figure 17 is an example of the screen presented when the PF12 (CCC) is pressed.

Figure 17. Cost Center Distribution at Header Level

--CCC No------------------------Name--------------------------------Amount----
Enter--PF1=Help  PF3=Quit  PF4=Category Totals

Figure 18 is an example of the window displayed when the PF4 (Category Totals) is pressed when the cursor is on a particular cost center. A particular cost center may be distributed to a maximum of five (5) categories per requisition.

Figure 18. Category Distribution at the Header Level

Cost Center: 9999-99999-99-9999
Category-----------Total Amount
XXXXXXXX          99,999,999.99
XXXXXXXX          99,999,999.99
XXXXXXXX          99,999,999.99
XXXXXXXX          99,999,999.99
XXXXXXXX          99,999,999.99
PF3=Quit  PF8=NextC
Figure 19 is an example of the screen presented when you pressPF4 while the cursor is on a particular line item.

Figure 19. Line Item Decode Window - REQT

--CCC No---------------------Name-----------------%----Amount--------Cat---Proj
                                          Press Enter to continue

The following sections describe the REQT (Requisition TARGET) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Valid Actions"
"TARGET Process"
"Related Topics"


The REQT (REQuisition TARGET) function provides the facilities for submission of all requisition types for approval via TARGET and also for review of the transaction by the reviewers established for the cost center and other criteria as defined. A reviewer may approve, hold pending further information, or disapprove the transaction.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Valid Actions

View {V}
Update {U}
Withdraw {W}
Review {R}
Submit {S}

TARGET Process

Requisitions will be routed for the appropriate approvals based upon the Company Budgetary Unit Cost Center (CBCC) review chain.

A Requisition Type of 'IR' will also route to an internal service dept. desk for approval. (Criteron Type to be defined)


  1. The company cost centers will be validated at the time of submission of the requisition via the REQT function.
  2. The user will be prohibited from submitting a requisition that has a PO Effective Date in which the active month is not open for commitment posting.
  3. A requisition may not be submitted if no lines have been created.
  4. When the requisition is submitted, the system will check to insure that the requisition lines total the same amount as the suggested awarded vendor quote.
  5. The PO Effective Date may not be after the Date Co-Center Inactive on the CCC table.
  6. The Tolerance% may not be modified for a Req Type of 'IB'.
  7. For a Req Type of 'IB', the Construction Cd and MOF fields are not allowable entry.
  8. Req Type of IB and IR will have a Status of Gupon final approval of the TARGET transaction.


Transaction review status

Once a requisition has been submitted via TARGET for review the transaction will have one of the following statuses:
S Submitted for approval
A Approved by Management
G Awaiting generation of completed Auto PO
D Disapproved
I Invalid Transaction
H Held for further information

The Tolerance % may be modified upon submission of the TARGET transaction.

The update action is used on an approved Status A requisition in order to modify the Tolerance %, Const code, and MOF number.

The MOF and Const code fields will be a modifiable field during TARGET processing for the Property Accounting desk to modify if required.

Related Topics

The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.

REQH REQuisition Header
REQL REQuisition Line
IREQ Internal REQuisition
RLCM Requisition Line Category Maintenance

LORC - List Open Req lines for a Company cost center

Figure 20 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LORC function.

Figure 20. LORC - List Open Req lines for a Company cost center

 UPOLORC 1 PROD     List Open Requisition lines by CCC - LORC    MM/DD/YY HH/MM
 Command:       Action: X  Req:         :       PO:         :       TA:
 Co Ctr No: 9999 99999-99-9999    Dept Catg : XXXXXXXX
List of Open Req lines for DAC: 9999 99999-99-9999 for Dept Catg: XXXXXXXX
                         Submit   Commit RQ  RQ     Req Line     Attributed to
  Dept Catg Req No Line   Date     Date  ST  TY      Amount      DAC/Dept Catg
 _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X  XX 99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
 _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X  XX 99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
 _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X  XX 99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
 _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X  XX 99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
 _ XXXXXXXX R999999 999 MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY X  XX 99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
Running Totals:  In Process-Not submitted   Pending Approval     Committed
                        99,999,999.99         99,999,999.99    99,999,999.99
                      Requisition Lines 9999  thru 9999
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt
Select an entry, or enter new keys
Figure 21 is an example of the screen presented when you press the PF4 (decode).

Figure 21. Decode Window - LORC

             Requisition Line Item Description
   Req No   Line No  Item Description
  -------- --------- ------------------------------------
 Press ENTER to continue

The following sections describe the LORC (List Open Requisition lines by Company cost center) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


The LORC function provides departments with a list of open requisition lines for their company cost center in category order. The list can be limited to a given DART category.

Requisition lines may have a Status of O (open) and appear in this list while the requisition may be in process, submitted, or approved. A running total of attributed amounts (in process-not submitted, pending approval, and approved) will be displayed at the bottom of the list.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


If an agricultural experiment station cost center is entered, the system will translate and display the departmental accounting center list.

Display fields:

Dept Catg Departmental Accounting category
Req No Requisition number
Line Requisition line number)
Submit Date Date-Occurrence-2 of Update-History-Group. 9
Commit Date Date-Commitment-Effective. 10
RQ/ST Requisition header status
RQ/TY Requisition type
Req Line Amt Item-Extended-Price + Item-Freight-Amt + Item-Tax-Amt
Attributed to CCC/Dept Catg The amount of funds on the requisition line associated with the CCC and category which is or will be committed in accounting. 11
Running Total for Not Submitted This amount is the accumulation of "Attributed to CCC/Dept Catg" for those requisition lines with a req header status of P (in process). 12
Running Total for Pending This amount is the accumulation of Attributed to CCC/Catg for those requisition lines with a header status of S (submitted). 13
Running Total for Approved This amount is the accumulation of Attributed to CCC/Catg for those req lines with a Status of A(approved), R (re-submitted for required additional approval), G (awaiting generation of completed Auto PO), B (bid in-process), H (awaiting generation of in-process PO). 14

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LORC function.
REQH REQuisition Header
REQL REQuisition Line
REQT REQuisition TARGET processing
IREQ Internal REQuisition

LRBU - List Requisitions for a BU, reference id

Figure 22 is an example of the screen presented when the LRBU command is accessed.

Figure 22. LRBU - List Requisitions for a BU, reference id

Select an entry, or enter new keys
 UPOLRBU 1 DEMO  List Requisitions for a BU, reference ID - LRBU 05/06/97 10:20
 Command:       Action: U  Req: R002396 : 1     PO:         :       TA:
 BU: AVCB  Dept Reference ID: DC                            Bid:         :
List of Requisitions for BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN    Dept Ref ID: DC
- Department        Date   Type  Req #  Requisition   Requested      Delivery
   Ref ID  Status Created                  Total      Effective        Date
 _ DC         P  05/01/1997 RE  R002604        266.75 07/01/1997
           Vendor:      100199-01-001  GAPSEMC
 _ DC         P  05/05/1997 RE  R002635        533.50 07/01/1997
           Vendor:      101242-01-001  Westlake Hardware
                    Requisitions 1     through 2
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU, dept reference id and date) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


LRBU (List Requisitions for a BU, dept reference id and date) provides the facilities for viewing requisitions for a particular BU and specific departmental reference ID.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


This list displays all requisitions in Status and Date Created order for a specific budgetary unit and department reference ID.

Related Topics

The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.

REQH REQuisition Header
REQL REQuisition Line
LRQS List Requisitions for a Status, bu, type and date
LRLN List Requisition Lines for a requisition number
IREQ Internal Requisition

LRLK - List Requisition Lines for a bu by item Keyword

Figure 23 is an example of the screen presented when the LRLK command is accessed.

Figure 23. LRLK - List Requisition lines for a bu by item Keyword

  Command: XXXX  Action: X  Req: R999999: 999 PO: 9999999 : 999  TA: 9999999
 Action:(X List Requisition lines by BU______
 and Item Keyword: XXXXXXXXXXXX
     Item          Req   Req  Req L                  Unit                Line
    Keyword        No.   L No  St.  Quantity         Cost             Extension
_ XXXXXXXXXXXX   R999999  999  X    99999.999    99999999.99999     99999999.99
_ XXXXXXXXXXXX   R999999  999  X    99999.999    99999999.99999     99999999.99
_ XXXXXXXXXXXX   R999999  999  X    99999.999    99999999.99999     99999999.99
_ XXXXXXXXXXXX   R999999  999  X    99999.999    99999999.99999     99999999.99
       Help  Suspd Quit                     Back Forwd

The following sections describe the LRLK (List Requisition lines for a bu by item Keyword) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


This function provides the facility for viewing requisition lines for a particular BU and item keyword with an option to start from a particular requisition number.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command Help:

The following commands perform processing functions related to the LRLK function. Information on these commands may be viewed by pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of these screens:

LLPO List Lines for a Purchase Order
DRPO Dollar Receiving for a Purchase Order
QRPO Quantity Receiving for a Purchase Order
B-PPR Printing a Receiving Document

Pressing PF1 while the cursor is in the Command field of any Menu screen will produce a pop-up window from which help can be selected on how to use menus, commands, key fields, PF keys, and list functions.

LRLN - List Requisition Lines by Number

Figure 24 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LRLN function.

Figure 24. LRLN - List Requisition Lines by Number

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
 POLRLN 1 DEMO  List Requisition Lines for a req Num
 Command: LRLN  Action: V  Req: R000123 :     PO:         :    TA:
 Lines for Requisition Number: R002567   starting from Line Number: 1
Requisition Status: A (Approved)                Type: TQ
Advance PO:          Contract No:               Req Amount:            5,675.00
Special Processing: Licensed Logo               Freight:                  70.00
Sales Tax ID:                                   Tax:                     368.88
Vendor ID:                   bid, quote, or no vendor: N     Handling Cd: F
Tolerance:     %                                Text:    BU                   -
Supporting Doc: N   Licensed Logo: Y   Construction: N      Handling:  50.00
Line # S  ---------  Description  -----------  Quantity  Unit Price - Extension
 _ 1   O Backpacks                              50.000       42.50      2125.00
        Commodity:    78501 SCHOOL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES
 _ 2   O Windsuits for Basketball Team          50.000       35.00      1750.00
 _ 3   O Leather Tennis Shoes                   50.000       36.00      1800.00
        Commodity:    80099 SHOES & BOOTS NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED
             Lines      1 through     3 of     3 are displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt                   EItmD

The following sections describe the LRLN (List Requisition Lines by Number) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


The LRLN function allows you to list lines of a specific requisition. You are able to review all lines associated with a requisition.

If viewing the lines of a Req Type of 'IB' or 'IR', if all service lines of the vendor are being distributed to the same category for each cost center, then only a one line requisition is created.

Key Fields Required in the Banner

Decode Window

Figure 25 is an example of the screen presented when you press the PF4 (DCode) while in the LRLN function.

Figure 25. Decode Window - LRLN

       ENTER to continue
                                                   Commitment Date: 04/29/97
       Buyer:  Donna Carter                              Cancelled: 01/02/00
       Vendor:  bid, quote, or no vendor                        By:
       Address:                                          PO Opened: 01/02/00
                                                           Special: 01/02/00
                                                           Created: 04/29/97
       City:                                   State: XXXX
       Ship To: Office of Business Affairs
               Administration Bldg, Rm 321
       City:    Fayetteville              State: AR Zip:  72701
       Bill To:  ATTN: Accounts Payable Division
       Requisition Amt: 5675.00      Freight Amt: 70.00     Tax: 368.88        -


Positioning the cursor on a requisition line and pressing PF9 (EitmD) presents a pop-up window of requisition line extended item descriptions.

For Req Type of 'IB' and 'IR', the Buyer ID field will display NO BUYER.

No Commodity Class Codes are displayed on Req Types of 'IB' and 'IR'.

Related Topics

The following commands perform functions related to requisitions.

REQH REQuisition Header
REQL REQuisition Line
IREQ Internal REQuisition

LRQS - List ReQuisitions for a Status, BU, type, and date

Figure 26 is an example of the screen presented when the LRQS command is accessed.

Figure 26. LRQS - List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, type and date

Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 UPOLRQS 1 DEMO   List ReQuisitions for Status, BU, type - LRQS  05/06/97 10:51
 Command:       Action: V  Req: R002396 : 1     PO:         :       TA:
 Status: A  BU: AVCB  Type:     Creation Date:
List of Requisitions for Status: A (Approved)     BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN
--    Date     Req #  Type   Total Amount        Reference       Requestor   --
 _  04/30/97  R002586  BL                                  Trish Watkins
                            Vendor:      Collier's Photo
 _  04/21/97  R002443  EP        2,131.00                  Drk
                            Vendor:      Fayetteville Feed & Fertilizer
 _  04/14/97  R002383  PC          183.41                  Drk
                            Vendor:      Carolina Ribbon
 _  04/25/97  R002550  PC        3,582.67                  Drk
                            Vendor:      Computer Store
 _  04/14/97  R002385  RE          533.50                  Drk
                            Vendor:      GAPSEMC
 _  04/14/97  R002389  RE          533.50                  Drk
                            Vendor:      M & F Office Supply Company
                    Requisitions 1     through 6
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LRQS (List ReQuisitions for a Status, bu, type, and date)function.

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This function provides the facilities for listing requisitions for a particular Status or by the more specific selection criteria BU, Type (requisition), and Creation Date.

An example for use of this list is when you want to ensure that all requisitions you have created have been at least submitted for approval and are not still in process. Those that have not been submitted will have a Status of P (in process).

Key Fields Required in the Banner


If a Type is not entered, the system will display all requisitions for a particular Status and BU regardless of type. A date entered in the Date field will display all requisitions that have been created starting from that date. If the date is left blank, the system will display all requisitions created for the particular Status, BU, and Type entered.

LLPO - List Lines for a Purchase Order

Figure 27 is an example of the screen presented when the LLPO command is accessed.

Figure 27. LLPO - List Lines for a Purchase Order

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
  UPOLLPO 1 DEMO       List Lines of a Purchase Order - LLPO      02/16/98 10:08
  Command:       Action: V  Req:         :       PO: 6002118 :       TA:
 List of PO Lines for PO: 6002118 starting from           PO Max:          19.14
 Purchase Cd: ST                                         Inv Sum:
 Vendor Name: Carolina Ribbon                             PO Amt:          19.14
 BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN                           Freight:
 Requestor: Drk                  Ph: 501/575-5317            Tax:           1.25
      Cmd      Status                                  Total Amt:          20.39
   w/Action Line -  --------------Description---------------  Vendor Item #  Tax
  _ QRPO A  1    O  Floppy Disk (3.5") DS/HD (1.44MB)        KAO#390-32070
  * Qty:     2.000 UM: BOX U Price:           6.30000  Ext Price:          12.60
  Rec Qty/Amt:         2.000 Inv Qty/Amt:               Exp Qty/Amt:      0.000
  _ QRPO A  2   O  Floppy Disk DS/HD (1.2MB)                 KAO#390-52039
    Qty:     2.000 UM: BOX U Price:           3.27000  Ext Price:           6.54
  Rec Qty/Amt:         2.000 Inv Qty/Amt:               Exp Qty/Amt:      0.000
          Purchase Order Lines 1     through 2     of 2     displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt                   EItmD
Figure 28 is an example of the screen presented after pressing the PF4 (DCode) key in the LLPO function.

Figure 28. Decode Window - LLPO

 Buyer:       DKEITH   David Keith
 Vendor Name: Carolina Ribbon
 Vendor Addr: 700 Carnegie Place
 City: Greensboro                State: NC Zip: 27409
 Ship To:     College of Business
              Dean's Office
              Business Administration Bldg, Rm 301
 City: Fayetteville              State: AR Zip: 72701
 Bill To:     ATTN: Accounts Payable Division

The following sections describe the LLPO (List Lines for a Purchase Order) function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"


This list function provides the facility for viewing lines for a particular purchase order in purchase order line order.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


The user has the option of entering a starting value (line number) or leaving the line number blank and listing all lines of the purchase order.

The appropriate receiving command will be displayed for each line, designating whether the line is to be received by dollar or quantity. This designation is based on the UM (unit of measure) field on the line for either DRPO or QRPO functions. The Tax Status is also displayed so that a user can see the status for each line in order to know whether or not sales or use tax may be charged.

If an invoice has already been entered for payment and the receiving to be performed is by dollar, LUIP will be displayed.

For those lines which do not require receiving, the appropriate command from which the lines were created will be displayed, along with an Action of V.

LOPC - List Open POs for a Company cost center

Figure 29 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LOPC function.

Figure 29. LOPC - List Open PO lines for a CC and category

Select an entry, press PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 UPOLOPC1 PROD  List Open PO lines for a CC and category -  LOPC  12/23/96 09:27
 Command:       Action: V  Req:         :       PO:         :       TA:
 Co Ctr No: 0102 02040-61-0000  Thru Enc Dt: 12/23/1996  Dept Catg: Travel
List Open PO lines for CC 0102 02040-61-0000 Thru Encumbrance Date: 12/23/1996
 and Dept Category: Travel
                                     ----Amts attributed to CCC---- Date Close
   Dept Catg  PO-No  Line  Type Blkt   Encumbrance       Expense    Anticipated
 _  Travel   6000429  1     TA   Y                           438.48  06/30/2099
             Vendor: 101011-02-001  Dorre; Tom
 _  Travel   6000430  1     TA   Y             1.00                  06/30/2099
             Vendor: 101020-01-001  Stolfi; Larrie D.
 _  Travel   6000431  1     TA   Y             1.00                  06/30/2099
             Vendor: 101022-01-001  Whittaker; Nancy H.
 _  Travel   6000432  1     TA   Y           300.00                  07/07/1996
             Vendor: 101014-01-001  Hyatt; David G.
 _  Travel   6000433  1     TA   Y             1.00                  06/30/2099
             Vendor: 101012-01-001  Fournier II; Joseph F.
                        Open POs 1     thru 5
    Running Totals - Encumbrances:        303.00  Expenses:        438.48
      Help  Suspd Quit  DCode RStrt       Back  Forwd

The following sections describe the LOPC function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics".


This function lists all open purchase order lines for a cost center and category beginning with a PO Thru Eff Date.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


The system requires the cost center be entered and provides the user with a way of limiting the display by specifying a starting PO, PO effective date, or Dept Acct Cat. This list function can be used to drill down an encumbrance balance as reported on a current open period balance function in DART such as LBDC (List Balances for a Departmental Category for a cost center) or LBSP (List Balances for Sponsored Programs). If the user desires to review the encumbrance detail from a closed period then the DART list functions LET (List Encumbrance Transactions for a CCC for closed periods) or LETC (List Encumbrance Transactions by Category for a ccc for closed periods) should be used.

For category search help, press PF1 while the cursor is in the Dept Catg field. This will display the categories for the cost center input in the banner.

Related Topics

The following commands perform processing functions related to purchase orders.

POH PO Header
POIT PO Item TARGET - to Cancel PO line
IPO Internal Purchase Order

LPOR - List Purchase Orders for a Requisition

Figure 30 is an example of the screen presented when the LPOR command is accessed.

Figure 30. LPOR - List Purchase Orders for a Requisition

 Select an entry, or enter new keys
   Banner key set with first selected entry                  LPOR 05/12/97 10:40
  Command:       Action: V  Req: R002381 :       PO: 6002117 :       TA:
 List of POs for Requisition R002381
 Requestor: Drk                          BU: AVCB ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN
     Phone: 5317                         Dept Reference ID:
  PO Effective  PO     PO Amt inc/     Contract      Bid     Invoiced Amt  PO PO
      Date     Number Freight & Tax     Number      Number      to Date    Cd St
  _ 07/01/97  6002117         20.39 ST94-0060                               ST O
              Vendor: 101306-01-001 Carolina Ribbon
           Purchase Orders 1     through 1     of 1     displayed
       Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function.

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


The LPOR (List Purchase Orders for a Requisition) function allows you to view purchase order numbers that have been created from a requisition.

The list will display the PO Effective Date, PO Number, Bid Number, Contract Number, PO Amt inc/ Freight & Tax, Invoiced Amt to Date, and the PO Cd and PO St.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


Purchase Order status

Purchase Order statuses are defined as follows:

P In process (in the process of being built)
O Open (PO has been issued)
C Closed (receiving and payments have been completed)
X Cancelled

Related Topics

The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders.

DRPO Dollar Receiving for a Purchase Order
QRPO Quantity Receiving for a Purchase Order
POH Purchase Order Header
POL Purchase Order Line
IPO Internal Purchase Order

LPOS - List POs for a Status and BU

Figure 31 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPOS function.

Figure 31. LPOS - List Purchase Orders for a Status and BU

Select an entry, PF8 to page forward, or enter new keys
 UPOLPOS 1 DEMO        List POs for a Status and BU - LPOS       05/06/97 09:35
 Command:       Action: V  Req: R002599 :       PO:         :       TA:
 Status: O BU: AVCB Date: 05/01/1997
List of PO's for Status: O and BU: AVCB  ASSO VICE CHAN BUSIN
   starting from Close Date Anticipated: 05/01/97
        Close    B PO      TA      Req      PO Amt + Tax      PO      Invoiced
   BU   Date     O Number  Number  Number    + Freight   Type Cd       Amount
 _ AVCB 05/14/97   6002116 6002115                150.00  TR  EL
        Vendor: 101201-01-000  BCI Basketball Association
 _ AVCB 05/14/97   6002117         R002381         20.39  RE  ST
        Vendor: 101306-01-000  Carolina Ribbon
 _ AVCB 05/14/97   6002118         R002382         20.39  RE  ST
        Vendor: 101306-01-000  Carolina Ribbon
 _ AVCB 05/15/97   6002122         R002402        501.00  RE  SO
        Vendor: 101522-01-000  M & F Office Supply Company
 _ AVCB 05/15/97   6002123         R002405        958.50  RE  SO          15.00
        Vendor: 101092-01-000  Office Procedure Seminars
           Purchase orders 1     through 5     of 28    displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt             Forwd

The following sections describe the LPOS function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


This function lists purchase orders in a given status for a BU from a Close Date Anticipated, or if the BU is null, by BU and Close Date Anticipated.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


Purchase order status codes include:
P In Process...Purchasing process ongoing and no PO has been issued
O Open...PO has been issued
C Closed...Receiving and payments have been completed
X Canceled.

List criteria and selection options, when used with a specified budgetary code the date represents the anticipated close of a purchase order. Consequently, when specified, LPOS will begin listing all those purchase orders from the specified date forward. However, in those situations when no budgetary code is specified, all POs with the given status are listed, and neither the BU number nor the the date are used in obtaining the needed purchase orders.

Related Topics

Information on the following topics may be selected after issuing the command Help:
Suspend Using the PF2 (Suspd) to suspend to related functions.

The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders.

TA Travel Authorization
TRPO Travel Related Purchase Orders
POH Purchase Order Header
POL Purchase Order Line
IPO Internal Purchase Order

LPOV - List Purchase Orders for a Vendor

Figure 32 is an example of the screen presented during processing of the LPOV function.

Figure 32. LPOV - List Purchase Orders for a Vendor

Select an entry or enter new keys
 UPOLPOV 1 DEMO     List Purchase Orders for a Vendor - LPOV     05/06/97 09:46
 Command:       Action: V  Req: R002599 :       PO:         :       TA:
 Vendor: 101306-01-001 Date:
List of PO's for Vendor No: 101306-01 Carolina Ribbon
   starting from Order Date:
   Order    Req     PO      TA         S PO       PO Amt + Tax      Invoiced  B
   Date     Number  Number  Number Typ t Cd BU     + Freight         to date  O
 _ 04/14/97 R002382 6002118         RE O ST AVCB         20.39
 _ 04/30/97 R002596 6002219         RE P ST ART
 _ 05/01/97 R002605 6002258         RE O ST ART          72.85
 _ 07/01/97 R002381 6002117         RE O ST AVCB         20.39
 _ 07/01/97 R002383 6002121         RE P ST AVCB
       Purchasee orders 1     through 5     of 5     are displayed
      Help  Suspd Quit        RStrt

The following sections describe the LPOV function:

"Key Fields Required in the Banner"
"Related Topics"


This function lists all purchase orders for a vendor with a starting order date.

Key Fields Required in the Banner


This list can be used to find all purchase orders regardless of PO status. The list can be further refined by inputting a purchase order effective date to only display those purchase orders which were issued on or after a particular starting date.

Related Topics

The following commands perform functions related to purchase orders and vendors.

TA Travel Authorization
TRPO Travel Related Purchase Order
POH Purchase Order Header
POL Purchase Order Line
IPO Internal Purchase Order

The exception will be bulk fuel, printing overruns, etc. where the unit price will govern.
The unique six (6) digit number generated by the system to use in tracking of requisitions. No value is required to be specified for actions A or C, but must be entered all other actions. The number is displayed with an R in front of it, but may be entered with or without this character. (Example: R039383)
Requisition types are:
RE Regular
TQ Dept. Telephone Quote
BR Bid Requested
PC Purchase from Contract
BL Blanket
SS Sole Source Purchase
PR Personal Reimbursement
SA Professional/Maint Serv Agreement
EP Emergency Purchase

Once the Req Type has been specified in the banner and the PF10 (Save) key has been pressed it is no longer modifiable. If the user wishes to change it, the requisition must be deleted. Otherwise, press PF3 (Quit) and start over using the correct Req Type.

Identifier for a State or University contract stored on the contract file.
The requisition number is the unique six (6) digit number generated by the system to track requisitions. The requisition number is displayed with an R in front of it, but may be entered with or without this character. (Example: R039383:001)
User assigned number that uniquely identifies a line on a requisition. The three digit requisition line number is created and entered by the user on an Action A or C. This number is used to identify a specific item being requisitioned, including item description, quantity, unit price, etc.
Identifies an item on a contract line number in the contract file. Contract lines with a 9999 number represent miscellaneous lines that, when pulled into a requisition line, require a description and price to be entered.
The unique six (6) digit number generated by the system to use in tracking of requisitions. The number is displayed with an R in front of it, but may be entered with or without this character (Example: R039383).
This date will be blank for requisition lines that have a header status of P, which means they have not been submitted for approval.
This date will be blank for requisition lines that have a header status of P or S. The date will reflect the date the requisition was committed.
If percents are used, the amount is calculated and displayed. If dollar distribution is used, then the Item-CO-CENTER-Limit-Amt is displayed.
This running total is included in total at bottom.
This running total is included in total at bottom.
This running total is included in total at bottom.
The standard UAF budgetary unit which identifies the organizational entity that is to be associated with the requisition. It is a required entry for this function.
A departmentally assigned identifier entered and used for tracking requisitions and their resulting purchase orders.
Requisition statuses are as follows:
P in Process
S Submitted for approval
A Approved by management
R Re-submitted for required additional approval
G awaiting Generation of completed auto-po
B Bid in process
H Awaiting generation of an in process PO
C Completed, all necessary or possible POs have been generated
X Cancelled
The standard UAF budgetary unit which identifies the organizational entity that is to be associated with the requisition. If the BU is not entered, the system will display all requisitions for a particular Status for all BUs.
Identifies a requisition as one of the following types:
TQ Dept. Telephone Quote
BR Bid Requested
PC Purchase from a Contract
BL Blanket
SS Sole Source Purchase
PR Personal Reimbursement
SA Professional/Maint Serv Agreement
EP Emergency Purchase
OT Other (None of the Above)
Identifies the through PO line encumbrance effective date
Identifies the date that a purchase order is to be effective.
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