Publications on Hera

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Peer-Reviewed Articles

P70.       Sears, D. W. G.; Allen, C. C.; Britt, D. T.; Brownlee, D. E.; Cheng, A. F.; Chapman, C. R.; Clark, B. C.; Drake, B. G.; Fevig, R. A.; Franchi, I. A.; Fujiwara, A.; Gorevan, S. P.; Kochan, H.; Lewis, J. S.; Lindstrom, M. M.; Nishiizumi, K.; Race, M. S.; Scheeres, D. J.; Scott, E. R. D.; Taylor, G. J.; Yano, H. (2002)  Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return.  In The Future of Solar System Exploration (2003-2013) -- Community Contributions to the NRC Solar System Exploration Decadal Survey. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 272. Edited by Mark V. Sykes. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, pp. 111-140.

143.        Sears, Derek; Allen, Carl; Britt, Dan; Brownlee, Don; Franzen, Melissa; Gefert, Leon; Gorovan, Stephen; Pieters, Carle; Preble, Jeffrey; Scheeres, Dan; Scott, Ed (2004)  The Hera mission: multiple near-earth asteroid sample return.  Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 11, p. 2270-2275.

145.        Sears, D. W. G.; Allen, C. C.; Bell, M. S.; Bogard, D.; Britt, D.; Brownlee, D. E.; Chapman, C.; Clark, B. C.; Dissley, R.; Franzen, M. A.; Goldstein, J.; Nishiizumi, K.; Nyquist, L.; Pieters, C. M.; Scheeres, D.; Scott, E. R. D.; Treiman, A. (2004)  The Hera near-Earth asteroid sample return mission: science requirements of the sample collector.  Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, Issue 11, p. 2276-2280.


Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

A165.   Sears D. W. G. (1998)  The case for asteroid sample return.  Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 33, A140-A141.

A166.   Sears D. W. G. (1998)  The case for asteroid sample return.  Bul. Amer. Astron. Soc. 30, 1041.

A172.   Sears D. W. G. (1999)  Multiple asteroid sample return:  The next step. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXX, CD-ROM #1432.

A186.   Sears D. W. G., Brownlee D. D., Pieters C. M., Lindstrom M. L., Britt D., Clark B. C., Gefert L., Gorevan S. and Preble J. (2000)  Hera:  Multiple near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return.  Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., 32, #26.10.

A186a  Sears, D. W. G.; Brownlee, D. D.; Pieters, C.; Lindstrom, M.; Britt, D.; Clark, B. C.; Gefert, L.; Gorevan, S.; Preble, J. C. (2000) A Multiple Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Mission Called Hera.  Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 35, Supplement, p.A145

A187.   Sears D. W. G., Pieters C. M., Brownlee D. E., Lindstrom M. M. and Britt D. (2000).  The case for near-Earth sample return.  Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Workshop.  Lunar and Planetary Institute Publication 1073.

A191.   Britt D. T., Sears D. W. G. and Cheng A. F. (2001)  Asteroid sample return:  433 Eros as an example of sample site selection.  Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, A30

A193.   Sears D. W. G., Gefert L. and Scheeres, D. J. (2001) Asteroid constraints on multiple near-Earth asteroid sample return.  Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, A186.

A194.   Sears D. W. G., Allen C., Britt D., Brownlee D. E., Cheng A. F., Chapman C. R., Clark B. C., Drake B. G., Franchi I. A., Gorevan S., Kochan H., Lewis J. S., Lindstrom M. M., Nishiizumi K., Pieters C. M., Race M. S., Scheeres D. J., Scott E. R. D., Yano H. (2001). Near-Earth asteroid sample return missions.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, CD-ROM #1891.

A195.   Sears D. W. G., Allen C., Britt D., Brownlee D. E., Cheng A. F., Chapman C. R., Clark B. C., Drake B. G., Franchi I. A., Fujiwara A., Gorevan S., Kochan H., Lewis J. S., Lindstrom M. M., Nishiizumi K., Race M. S., Scheeres D. J., Scott E. R. D., Yano H. (2001)  Near-Earth asteroid sample return – A community panel report for the NRC decadal study.  Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 33, 1054.

A197.   Sears, D., Pieters, C., Britt, D., Scheeres, D., Gefert, L., Gorevan, S., Preble, J. (2001) Life after NEAR.  Eos Trans. AGU, 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P32B-0550.

A206.   Sears D.W.G., Franzen M., Bartlett P.W., Kong K.Y., Preble J., DiPalma J., Benoit P.H., and Kareev M. (2002) The Hera mission:  Laboratory and microgravity tests of the Honeybee Robotics touch-and-go sampler.  33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, Abstract #1583, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).

A211.   Franzen, M. A.; Sears, D. W. G. (2003).  The Hera Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Mission: An Overview.  34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, Abstract #1032, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).

A216.   Sears, D. W. G.; Scheeres, D. J.; Binzel, R. P. (2003)  The HERA Multiple Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Mission: Selection of the Target Asteroids.  34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, Abstract #1047, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).

A219.   Franzen, M. A.; Preble, J.; Schoenoff, M.; Halona, K.; Long, T. E.; Park, T.; Sears, D. W. G. (2004a)  Microgravity Testing of a Surface Sampling System for Sample Return from Small Solar System Bodies.  35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 15-19, 2004, League City, Texas, abstract no.1716

A220.   Franzen, M. A.; Sears, D. W. G.; Roe, L.; Buffington, J.; Venechuk, E.; Azouggagh-McBride, S. (2004)  The Hera TGIP Sample Collector.  American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #36, #14.03

A224.   Azouggagh-McBride, S.; Roe, L. A.; Franzen, M. A.; Buffington, J. A.; Sears, D. W. G. (2005)  Simulation of Recovery Impacts for the Prototype Hera Asteroid Sample Collector.  36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 14-18, 2005, in League City, Texas, abstract no.1464

A225.   Buffington, J. A.; Franzen, M. A.; Azouggagh-McBride, S.; Roe, L. A.; Sears, D. W. G. (2005)  Simulation of Extraterrestrial Sample Acquisition.  36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 14-18, 2005, in League City, Texas, abstract no.1452

A236.   Venechuk, E. M.; Franzen, M. A.; Sears, D. W. G. (2005)  Radiation Resistance of a Silicone Polymer Grease Based Regolith Collector for the HERA Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Mission.  36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 14-18, 2005, in League City, Texas, abstract no.1492


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