1978 Publications



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Peer-Reviewed Articles

16.   Bagolia, C., Doshi, N., Lal, D. and Sears, D.W. (1978)  Preatmospheric size of the Barwell meteorite:  Cosmic ray track, fusion crust and thermoluminescence studies.  Nucl. Track Det., 2, 29-35.


17.   McKeever, S.W.S. and Sears, D.W. (1978)  Thermoluminescence and the terrestrial age of the Estacado meteorite.  Nature, 275, 629-630.


18.   Rogers, P.J. and Sears, D.W. (1978)  A study of the thermoluminescence of fluorites.  Mercian Geologist, 6, 271-280.


19.   Sears, D.W. (1978a)  Condensation and the composition of the iron meteorites. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 41, 128-138.


20.   Sears, D.W. (1978b)  Thermoluminescence dating of meteorites.  P.A.C.T. Journal, 2, 231-239.


Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

A4.      Sears, D.W. (1978c)  Formation of E chondrites.  Meteoritics, 13, 628.


A5.      Sears, D.W. (1978d)  Thermoluminescence of ten meteorites with greater than 4.0 aeon Argon 40/Argon 39 ages.  Meteoritics, 13, 628-632.


A6.      Sears, D.W. and Durrani, S.A. (1978)  Thermoluminescence and the K-Ar age of meteorites.  Meteoritics, 13, 632.


Unrefereed and Popular Articles

P5.       Sears, D.W. (1978e)  Aristocratic scientist.  Country Life, May 18 issue.

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