1984 Publications



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Peer-Reviewed Articles

39.    Guimon, R.K., Weeks, K.S., Keck, B.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1984a)  Thermoluminescence as a palaeothermometer.  Nature, 311, 363-365.


40.           Sears, D.W.G., Ashworth, J.R., Broadbent, C.P. and Bevan, A.W. (1984a)  Studies of an artificially shock-loaded H group Chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 343-360.


41.           Sears, D.W.G., Bakhtiar, N., Keck, B.D. and Weeks, K.S. (1984b)  Thermoluminescence and the shock and reheating history of meteorites: II. Annealing studies of the Kernouve meteorite.  Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 2265-2272.


42.           Sears, D.W.G., Sparks, M.H. and Rubin, A.H. (1984c)  Chemical and physical studies of type 3 chondrites - III: Chondrules from Dhajala H3.8 chondrite.  Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 48, 1189-1200.


43.           Sears, D.W.G., Weeks, K.S. and Rubin, A.H. (1984d)  An EL5 chondrite and its significance.  Nature, 308, 257-259.


Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

A19.      Bakhtiar, N., Brandon, W.E., Guimon, R.K., Keck, B.D., Saebo, K.K., Weeks, K.S. and Sears, D.W.G. (1984)  Annealing studies of the thermoluminescence sensitivity of chondrites:  Relevance to the metamorphic and shock/reheating history of meteor ites.  Lunar Planet. Sci. XV, 27-28.


A20.      Guimon, R.K., Weeks, K.S., Keck, B.D. and Sears, D.W.G. (1984b)  Thermoluminescence as a palaeothermometer?  Meteoritics, 19, 233-234.


A21.      Rubin, A.E., James, J.A., Keck, B.D., Weeks K.S., Sears D.W.G. and Jarosewich E. (1984)  The Colony meteorite and the possible existence of a new chemical subgroup of CO3 chondrites.  Meteoritics, 19, 303-304.


A21a.    Weeks, K.S. and Sears, D.W.G. (1984)  A new class of enstatite chondrite?  Meteoritics, 19, 332-333.


Unrefereed and Popular Articles

P11.       Sears, D.W.G. (1984a)  Chondrules and Their Origins ed. by E.A. King.  Nature, 311, 88.  (Book review.)


P12.       Sears, D.W.G. (1984b)  Arkansas Meteorites.  Arkansas Naturalist 2, 1-14.

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