PDB7004-1             University of Arkansas, Fayetteville              Page   1
10/17/00                    Predict Data Dictionary                     15:31:59
         Element definitions for file: DESK-ASSIGNMENT (U-112)                  

File comments: Contains the time stamped record of desk assignments,            
               either associated with a PSB Position (for regular IDs           
               assigned to appointed employees) or a User ID (for               
               temporary IDs, hourly employees, or non University               
               employees).  This record is checked at signon to determine       
               the Desk-ID to be assigned to a user during their online         
               session.  Two desks are permitted for a position so it           
               might serve two job functions on an interim basis.               

Ty L        File & Field names        F  Size S D           Comments            
-- - -------------------------------- - ----- - - ------------------------------
*    Assignment Identifiers                                                     

   1 DESK-ASSIGNMENT-TYPE             A   1.0 F   Identifies the type of desk   
       DB=AA CS=*                                 assignment as:                
                                                  P = Position, this assignment 
                                                      is for a PSB position and 
                                                      the Desk-Assignment-ID is 
                                                      a position number, or     
                                                  U = User, this assignment is  
                                                      for an hourly employee,   
                                                      a temporary User, or a    
                                                      non-UA employee and the   
                                                      Desk-Assignment-ID is a   

   1 DESK-ASSIGNMENT-ID               A   8.0 F   The identifier of the entity  
       DB=AB CS=*                                 for which a desk assignment is
                                                  made (as defined by the       
                                                  associated Desk-Assignment-   
                                                  Type) as either a Position    
                                                  number (5 digits left         
                                                  justified zero filled) or a   

   1 TIME-PERIOD-BEGIN                T       F   The beginning point in time   
       DB=AC CS=UA                                of a period of time for which 
       HD=Period Begin                            an entity is effective.       

   1 TIME-PERIOD-END                  T       F   The ending point in time      
       DB=AD CS=UA                                of a period of time for which 
       HD=Period End                              an entity is effective.       

*    Assignment Attributes                                                      

MU 1 DESK-ID                          A   8.0 N   A unique identifier for a desk
       DB=AE CS=NS Max occ=2                      which represents a job or a   
       HD=Desk ID                                 specific area of              
       HR=NSNHDSKU@USER NAME                      responsibility as related to  
                                                  the use of automated computer 

*    Audit Log and Control                                                      

   1 NEAR-CURRENT-OR-FUTURE-CD        A   1.0 N   A code of 'Y' identifies      
       DB=AF CS=*                                 entries which are effective   
                                                  near the current time or are  
                                                  effective for a future        
                                                  period.  This value is null   
                                                  for past records, and is used 
                                                  in super-descriptors to       
                                                  suppress the creation of      
                                                  indexes to those  historical  
                                                  records.  This provides more  
                                                  efficient access to current   
                                                  and future effective dated    

PE 1 AUDIT-LOG-GROUP                              The periodic repeating group  
       DB=AG CS=* Max occ=2                       used to record audit          
                                                  information.  Occurrences     
                                                  represent the following       
                                                  maintenance activity:         
                                                  1 - Initial creation or update
                                                      other than 'ending' the   
                                                      period, or                
                                                  2 - Ending the period due to  
                                                      a change in the record    
                                                      effective after this      

   2 TIME-OF-UPDATE                   T       N   Date and time that a record or
       DB=AH CS=UA                                associated item was last      
       HD=Date/Updated                            updated on the data base.     

   2 UPDATED-BY-USER                  A   8.0 N   The Natural user ID (USER-ID) 
       DB=AI CS=UA                                of the last user to update a  
       HD=Updated/  By                            record or associated item.    

   2 UPDATED-BY-PROGRAM               A   8.0 N   The Natural program name      
       DB=AJ CS=UA                                that updated a record or      
       PE=AUDIT-LOG-GROUP                         associated entity.            

   1 TIME-STAMP                       B   8.0 F   This field is used to uniquely
       DB=AM CS=UA                                identify each update to a     
       HD=Time Stamp                              record.  Each time a record is
                                                  updated, this field should be 
                                                  assigned the value of the     
                                                  Natural function *TIMESTMP.   
                                                  Programs should check to see  
                                                  if this field has changed from
                                                  the time they first read a    
                                                  record until the the time they
                                                  read the record with hold.    
                                                  This will determine if someone
                                                  else has altered the record.  

*    Super Descriptors                                                          

SP 1 TYPE-ID-END-KEY                  A  16.0   U The super-descriptor composed 
       DB=S1 CS=*                                 of Desk-Assignment-Type,      
                                                  Desk-Assignment-ID, and       
                                                  Time-Period-End.  This index  
                                                  is used to uniquely identify  
                                                  the desk assignment entries   
                                                  and to retrieve the desk      
                                                  assignment for a type and ID  
                                                  as of any point in time.      

SP 1 NCOF-DESK-TYPE-ID-END-KEY        A  25.0 N D The super-descriptor composed 
       DB=S2 CS=*                                 of Near-Current-or-Future-Cd, 
                                                  Desk-ID, Desk-Assignment-Type,
                                                  Desk-Assignment-ID, and       
                                                  Time-Period-End.  This index  
                                                  is used to retrieve the       
                                                  assignments (positions or     
                                                  user IDs) for a desk for a    
                                                  point in time.                

                            *** End of report ***