Spring/Summer 2000 - Vol. 51, No. 1

Upgrade It? Replace It? Or Start a Revolution? An Adventure Story from the University of Arkansas

Reaping the Rewards
The rewards of BASIS have exceeded the university’s
  • The General Ledger nightly update runs in three to five minutes.
  • A monthly payroll totaling $13.5 million for 5,500 employees runs in 20 to 30 minutes (compared with as many as three days before BASIS).
  • A user in Atlanta or Hong Kong can enter a requisition at 8:30 a.m., and the vendor will receive a purchase order within two hours.
  • Vendors are beginning to offer the university discounts because it pays invoices on time.
  • Employees for whom personnel actions are approved at 8:59:59 p.m. on the payroll cutoff day will be paid correctly and on time.
  • BASIS uses no paper!
  • BASIS has inspired the university to scan old paper documents to laser disks, eliminating the need to store these documents and making them easier to retrieve.
  • The university sailed through Y2K!

So Many Needs

Any Capability I Want?

A Revolution is Sparked

Modules Away

1, 2, 3 Testing, Testing

Did Someone Mention Mistakes

Reaping the Rewards

The BASIS project is not finished. The university has accumulated a long wish list of future enhancements. Making changes to BASIS appears almost too easy when the university employs the people who designed its system. The BASIS programmers and application owners who worried about whether they would still have jobs when they returned to their home departments have plenty of job security.

Would the university design its own software again? YES!

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