My Path to Senior Walk
Markese Mullins
University of Arkansas senior Markese Mullins says he’s ‘nervited’ – a mixture of nervous and excited – to be graduating from the U of A at the end of the fall 2023 semester. “This is one of the most bittersweet moments of my life,” Mullins says. “My family is excited for me too.”
It is, after all, that time of the year – a time dominated by the busyness of holiday activities and gatherings, nostalgia for the year that’s ending and hopefulness for the year ahead. For December graduates, these feelings are intensified, as their commencement coincides with the end of the calendar year, the new year lining up with the start of a new, post-baccalaureate life.
Mullins is a transfer student who spent two years at Arkansas Northeastern College, where he started with a focus in nursing. After transferring to the U of A in fall of 2021, he chose to major in social work in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences instead. The resources available to students and the favorable career prospects are just two reasons why he’d recommend the U of A to others from his hometown.
Just do it,” he says. “Come in open-minded. Experience something you’ve never experienced before. Embrace it.”

As a new student on campus, Mullins remembers feeling a little apprehensive at first, but before long, “I felt safe and free to express myself. I realized it’s a place where different people all come together.”
He dove head-first into involvement on campus and says the numerous Registered Student Organizations helped him feel included. “I recommend joining as many groups as you feel comfortable joining,” he says. “It’s a great way to find like-minded people.”
As a senior, Mullins also worked closely with the Admissions office, giving tours to prospective students. This fall, his younger brother even took part in one of them.
“I remember calling and asking a lot of questions before I came here, and they were super helpful,” Mullins says of his experience with the Admissions staff. “So, I like to be helpful and friendly too. I give 110% every time – you never know who you might influence.”

After graduation, Mullins has his sights set on graduate school, with the intention of opening his own private practice one day. What’s his advice to future Razorbacks who are considering similar paths to Senior Walk?
“Buckle up and enjoy.”